Wendell/whomever currently manages the site: Do you have any plans to integrate Chrome's new push notifications?

A recent Google developer blog post states the details of Chrome's new Push and Notification API: https://developers.google.com/web/updates/2015/03/push-notifications-on-the-open-web?hl=en

As far as an app-like experience with the site on mobile, this would complete it for me. Do you think you'll integrate it something like that into the forums?

The forum already has this feature.

Oh nice, had to do some digging but found it. Awesome.

I'm intrigued as to why you think that. I am completely opposed to every ****ing forum wanting to push notifications. At best it should be a setting you enable, no asking for it by default.

Well it is setup like that, I had to go find and enable the setting rather than it being a default. As for me it's more convenient to simply get a couple notifications rather than a bunch of emails that I have to sort through later.

Plus Wendell and Logan addressed previously that there wouldn't be an official app back with the old forums, then, notifications were not possible.