Wendell (Sorry if i spelled your name wrong) i remember at one point during the tek you were talking about transmitting information at or near the speed of light. So i figured you might be intrested in this.
Well get this, scientists have manage to "freeze" light inside of a crystal.
(Artical: http://www.gizmag.com/stopping-light-inside-crystal/28610/)
My thoughts are, how is the light stored? If it is stored in a stream of photons that can be minipulated, like having a know distance (say a couple nanometers or something) then reading the light in that area as on or off, could this be used for a fast way to trasmit data now that we can slow the light down enough to "read" it?
Here is my question, Do you think this could be a type of possible "data" storage?
For anyone else reading this, what are your thoughts?