@wendell You mentioned some Asian monitor you liked a lot when you were in Asia (no ghosting etc.) and that you didn't find in the US - I didn't get the name in the video, though, so could you please tell me what monitor that was?
Thanks, Alex
@wendell You mentioned some Asian monitor you liked a lot when you were in Asia (no ghosting etc.) and that you didn't find in the US - I didn't get the name in the video, though, so could you please tell me what monitor that was?
Thanks, Alex
I have a Korean monitor -.-
Check out x-star monitors on ebay. There's another brand that is exactly the same but with a different name.
Only problem I have had so far is the bottom is a little curved from poor internal structure and heat. Looks great though.
Thanks! I looked into those as well, I was just curious because Wendell mentioned a brand/model in a video that supposedly had superior performance.
They were about 700 USD locally in Taipei .
The a399 is 94% as good
Awesome, thanks a lot!