Enjoyed the 43" Acer Predator review. A little on the pricey end for me, alas and I’m really only interested in IPS panels (unless burn-in has stopped being a problem on OLED).
You asked if there were any other monitors that people would like to see reviewed. Selfishly I’d love to see a review on this one. IPS with 144Hz and 10-bit colour - sounds great on paper.
There’s also a new 5K2K ultrawide just announced by Dell supposedly out at the end of this month. 60Hz only, though. Unsure if that would matter for just productivity?
144Hz, Nano IPS. 3840x1600. It’s “10-bit” but uses 8bit+FRC. I’m curious how much difference that makes and whether flicker is still a problem with FRC.
Would love to get Wendell’s take on it as I’m considering buying.
I would also be interested in an unbiased review of this monitor. I’m keeping an eye out for my next monitor. On my main personal system I use a Samsung 34" 1440p 144Hz but I wouldn’t buy it again. The HDR on it is a joke, the pixel density kind of sucks, but worst of all it is finicky when switching inputs which limits real-world usability for multi-system setup. I like the size, I like the curve, I like the high refresh - so I’m looking for a display that still provides all that but adds higher resolution, IPS, the latest DP/HDMI, and most of all better multi-system support. It’s a tall order and the only panels I’ve seen that come close to providing all of it are $1500+. Hence, I’m making do…
I’ve also got a couple of Dell 27" 4k displays that are years old but still perform great. I think the model is called P2715q. That does a great job switching inputs and looks awesome still but stuck at 60Hz. I use them on my work system now. If I could just blend those monitors with the good bits from the Samsung I’d bet set!
I guess I’m calling for the Goldilocks monitor. The industry will get there eventually. That LG looks close - missing HDMI 2.1 and there’s no way to figure out how it will do with multi-system from the specs. And yeah it’s pricey…
The LG is near the top of what I’d be willing to pay. What might just clinch it is the 144Hz. I’m not a gamer, I actually want it for productivity. But I’ve been using a 144Hz monitor and feel it does make a difference. I could be wrong - would love other opinions on whether high refresh still has value on productivity work.
The Dell one that is being announced at CES 2021 is a 40" 5120x2160. So “5K2K”. It looks pretty good but is coming in at around two grand. So very uncheap.
I might just decide it’s too much and go for LG’s 32" 4K IPS monitor with is aroud 400 cheaper. A curved ulltrawide would sure be nice, though.
It’s all pretty academic though as due to the lockdowns it’s almost impossible to get hold of it right now anyway - at least here in the UK. Don’t know about the US.
I definitely notice a difference between 60hz and 144hz as far as moving the mouse around on the screen is concerned. It really messes with my eyes. [I just switched my monitor to 60hz in the NVidia Control Panel to see the difference.] The 5k2k looks nice, but 60hz would probably take some adjustment as far as my eyes are concerned.
After seeing this thread, I pinged Wendell and I’m going to have the Alienware AW3821DW I ordered sent to L1T so he can do a review on it. I realize it’s not the LG’s mentioned in this thread, but it is using the same LG panel… 3840x1600, nano IPS, DisplayHDR 600, “1 ms” response (not likely to be close with optimal settings), 144hz.
Down side is it isn’t expected to ship until February 2nd… so it’s going to be a while.
You absolute star! If it’s the same panel does that mean it has the same refresh rate? Even if not, still very useful. Glad it’s not just me that thinks there’s a difference between 144 and 60Hz for non-gaming. I was starting to doubt myself.
At the rate things are going, it wont be in stock in the UK before February anyway.
@Hondo I think there’s more to it than just the panel itself that would play into refresh rates and response times, but I’m definitely not in the know on what all variables are at play .
@takt Yeah, it’s hard to say. Hopefully it’s the same one in the Ultragear that LG makes; the response times on that one were decent. We shall see I guess!
Does that mean a video is on its way? We still can’t get this monitor in the UK so I haven’t been able to buy it even if I succumb to fiscal irrationality. Would love to see a video review!