Basically I've been watching you guys talk about Google a lot and and it seems to be in every single tech area from AI to medicine like what is this? I think that in a 5-10 years Google is going to be a super power which will be impossible to bring down if it will advance in the tech so fast as it is buying robot and AI developing companies and even develop their own worlds first serious robots with self awareness and have medicine on their side too.. I can totally imagine going to a hospital called Google+Hospital with a robots working there as a janitors, and the general reception and have to log in with Google+ account for treatment... Further more if the robots are going to be good enough to act as military along side human troops then we are all screwed... I know its all speculations but don't you guys think that the Google's strength and all of their ongoing research with unlimited amount of capital is getting out of hand?
Would you rather Google did this or some other company (or the government)? It's going to happen one way or another, why not encourage what appears to be the least evil company currently out there to do it?