Devember Challenge is to finally get a domain and proxy my services the right way. I should be able to host my blog on my home server and migrate it way from github pages.
My Github
My Blog
More info in my Devember Post:
Hi All,
I’m a Bash-Loving, Rust-Curious, Java dev in Utah. I write, deploy, and maintain containerized applications to AWS regularly in my professional life. I use Linux for home and work. I have a small server rack at home where I deploy services and get a lot of value.
Currently, my services are all on my private network and have no DNS records. My networking skills are rudementary and knowledge is theoretical, so for Devember, I plan to buy my first domain, and point it to a public proxy hosted at Linode. I’ll then sort out setting up a VPN back to my home network, and and expose services one by one once I sort out firewalls and the authorization side of the equation. I would also like to get DNS straightened out so my requests for these services don’t go out to the public proxy and back into my network.
Success will look like the following:
My hugo static site generated blog available at my own domain
The Domain pointed to a Linode public ip and proxy server
A proper VPN between Linode and my home network
The site being served by my home server
DNS for my home network properly routing local requests
If I manage to make it that far, opening up additional services should be pretty straight forward. All of this will greatly expand my practical experience in maintaining some infrastructure.