Weird monitor problem

Well my brother ordered a new monitor and when we got it and plugged it in, it did this.

It is the darker spot on the bottom left and bottom middle. I thought at first that it was sort of like a bleed through, but I honestly have no idea otherwise. It reminds me of a shadow.


We have changed the cable, and changed a ton of settings but nothing seems to work.


I want to know what it is, and if it can be fixed by me (some random guy with next to no experience working with monitors). Or if I have to send it back because of a factory or quality testing failure.

i think its a problem with backlight

Would it be a back light bleed, or is it some kind of blockage stopping light from coming to the front?

looks broken, i would return it.

Looks like some of the backlight LEDs are not working. It's best to just return it.

i think it would be best to just return it, if you start taking it apart you lose warranty