Weird lag spikes

Laptop Specs

i5 2450m 

GT 630M

8GB Ram

Im getting some weird lag spikes on my laptop when playing CSGO. It's not overheating and im on the lowest possible settings.

My friend has a laptop with the same GPU but he doesnt lag. His laptop gets alot hotter than mine does,

Any suggestions?

please go into the uninstall/install and give us a list of what's installed.

Also while the game is running open task manager in cpu usage mode and record that post it here.

Do the same with msi afterburner/cpu-z etc other monitoring programs.

Then we'll have a fair idea of what's on your system and causing the lag.


Here is the programs installed

Here is the idle temps.

Here is the load temps

 As you can see there is sudden drops in Usage and that is when i get the lag spikes. 

Do you know what could cause that?

Odd, could you try swapping out your harddrive with your friends and vice versa since you have the same laptop? That would instantly tell you whether its software or hardware. Meanwhile, if you can hook up another monitor and put up afterburner and task manager, check to see what the harddrive, cpu and ram are doing during these dips.

I will try to swap the harddrive out. The CPU dips aswell when the framerate drops.

Could it be the charger?

Was contemplating something of that nature too, you could try running it on just battery to see if the same issues occur until you swap the harddrive.

I tried swapping it out. It worked. I reinstalled the game on the original file so some conflict must have been causing the lag. I ran on battery but it just causes constant lag.

So no more lag? nice

I still have some lag but it's almost gone. Like 20 seconds every 2 hours so thanks a lot for your help!