Weird issue with games on linux

Heyo Guys, first time posting in this community

I am having a weird issue with Games on linux, most noticably counter strike global offense. Sometimes when i load into a map, i will have insanely low fps and mangohud will be showing 100% GPU (although it doesnt heat up so its probably not going 100%).

Switching to fullscreen mode from fullscreen windowed, or from fullscreen windowed to fullscreen fixes the problem, until i load into the next map. (switching from the current one to the other fixes it) Changing the resolution also seems to fix it for the duration of the map. Then after the switch it’ll go back to my usual capped 120fps and 60% usage. It seems to be happening almost every match.

The main problem is switching display modes takes a while, like a minute or so where everything is frozen, so its not really a great thing.

I also had this issue on previous arch installs but iirc it is non existent at first and slowly becomes more frequent, although i might be misremembering

My specs:
390xx nvidia drivers
arch linux
no compositor
no desktop environment
geforce gtx570
6gb ram

Any suggestions?

no Dekstop Environment?
please share how you get steam running with raw X11.
i wanna see your game launch scripts.
ive been tried to get around having to launch my games underneath a Dekstop Environment for months and i just cannot get steam to behave itself without Openbox at the very least.

I assume he is using a window manager like i3 or something like that.

Is this something new that is happening or has this been an issue. Remember that CS uses the source engine that runs OpenGL. I don’t know if there is a vulkan renderer like there is for Dota 2. IF there is a vulkan renderer, try that.

How old is the 570? and can it not use latest nvidia 455+ drivers? must it run on legacy drivers?