Hi everyone, these days while playing some games i noticed some graphical anomalies with the colours,here are some screenshots so you can understand:
my rig configuration is:
Intel Core I5 3330 3Ghz
8Gb Adata 1600Mhz DDR3
MSI B75 Gaming Edition Motherboard
OCZ Modxtream Pro 600W
i tried my old graphics card wich is a HD4850,same thing appeared as above,i also tried other drivers,reset the default values and everything,yet it did not solve this.can you help me to find out what's the solution?
PS:open the photos in a new window so you see clearly what i'm talking about,and sorry for my english,i'm french :)
are these pics the same game
ignore those. they are just faults of the game.
the game is bad
graphics card is good
these are not the same game,the first is Dark Soul and the second Thief,i also exeprienced the same issue in other games such as TES Skyrim,in the loading screens,the fog presents the same graphics problem:
i hope it's clear : )
For me it seems like it's just the particular graphic settings for the fog and light of the games, some do better some do worse, not a big deal IMHO
I'm looking at this on a shtty <720p monitor, but i cant see what's wrong..... am i blind?!?!? lol? I see some gradients that don't look amazing, but otherwise everything is fine?
the image uploader lowers the resolution of the screenshot so you may not see it as well as in fullscreen while gaming,but try to open it in a new tab and zoom on it you'll see, i know it's not a big deal but sometimes it bothers me especially in dark souls,the color degradation when i look to the sky is so awful that it seems i'm playing old 3D games.
i'm thinking about a directx or driver problem but everything is installed and seems to work fine,i also mention that this problem appeared a couple of weeks ago,i noticed it because i play these games for a while and i assure you that this color degradation problem was not present before.
If it wasn't before you have 2 options, either the drivers are recently updated and do not work well, either you have downloaded updates of the games and have this result, try on earlier drivers or latest depending if you done first or second ...
wow op you are nit picky.
it's been a month or more now that i changed my graphics card,going from a HD4850 to a GTX560TI,uninstalled the AMD drivers properly and installed the latest nVidia ones after that,everything seemed to work perfectly until this problem appeared,i tried going back to the 4850... same thing.
PS:same graphics issues in other games such as TES Skyrim (a screenshot is available above),i also tried uninstalling the games and reinstalling them,same results.
Looks alright to me. Am i missing something?
I think I see what is your problem. It looks like you have modified the gamma value either in your driver of in the game settings. If you increase the gamma value, darker scenes appear brighter but the amount of dark colors that you see is reduced, therefore the degradation. I used the gamma value a lot when playing dark games or mods like the old CS1.6 zombie mods ;-)
i think it might be this,i remember playing around a lot with the gamma and the contrast,i'll take a look on it and reset the values,may be this will resolve the problem.thanks you a lot.
unfortunately resetting the default values of the gamma ect didn't fix the porblem.
did you also reset the contrast and brightness setting? Both in games and in the graphics driver?
edit: you also might want to check if you are running your games in compatibility mode. If you are in the compatibility menu you can reduce the color density.
well,for dark souls i solved the problem,i was playing at 1920x1080x16 and changed it to 32 and now the game is mutch more sharp and beautiful,but for thief and skyrim the same thing still appears.
reset all the values of the contrast ect and nothing changed,and i don't play my games in compatibility mode.