So… I’ve had this motherboard for about 2 years. Very early on (less than a month) I replaced it in my main machine because of an issue getting it to turn on. I sent it back to Gigabyte and they said it passes all their tests and sent it back to me. I wasn’t surprised it passed because the issue is very intermittent. So there its been sitting on a shelf.
Fast forward to yesterday. I decided to take another look at it (quarantine leads to some bouts of extreme boredom). When you clear the BIOS it sets the memory to 1.2V at 2133MHz, but the DRAMs want 1.35V. Overriding the BIOS and setting the memory to 1.35V at the 2133MHz results in a board that no longer has any issues. Trying to then increase the frequency leads to the intermittent problem where the board simply won’t turn on or even produce beep codes. Nothing. Its almost like its a weird PSU problem, but it isn’t. I’ve used several known good PSUs on this thing. It appears to be the timing. The CPUs been swapped to with the same results. If I can get it to post at 2933 or even 3200 it will run rock solid in memtest, but may or may not turn on the next time its turned off.
Funny thing is, I have another one of these exact boards purchased from the same place in the same order. Its been running rock solid with the same make and model of RAM for over 2 years now. No issues whatsoever.
Computer mysteries can be fun to diagnose.