Weird Artifacting-Issue AFTER MOTHERBOARD IS REPLACED! 🤦‍♂️ What Can I Do Now?! UPDATED 02-15-21

It looks like I’m back to square 1: Asus managed to send me a replacement motherboard as they weren’t able to fix/repair the 1 that I RMA’d to them. I have tried booting up in the new case, but I’m STILL have artficating issues! (Not like what I mentioned in my last post related to this issue; this is just totally different & I don’t understand what the issue is here!) :thinking: Anyway, I’m including a short clip showing roughly what happens when I plug my system in & attempt to boot. (From what I have noticed & experienced lately, there can only be a few factors: either an issue with the GPU itself or possibly an issue with 1 of the displayports?, maybe an issue with the motherboard, but I’m not even sure what the issue REALLY is now…) But I would REALLY appreciate it if someone can help me determine what’s going on!

If any of you need more details or wish to ask me anything, you know what to do! Thanks in advance! #ImBackToSqaure1 #ThisSucks #IJustWantMyPCToWork! :cry:

Did you forget to post the short clip displaying the problem? I would like to see what your problem looks like. Also can you please post your hardware setup again in this thread?

I didn’t forget. I’ve been trying to upload the file. Unfortunately, this site is just being a picky jerk & not letting me upload it! Still working on it though… :unamused: :roll_eyes: Would there be any way I can simply share it with you somehow? I’m trying to upload the video clip itself from an iphone 4S.

It would be better to upload it for everyone to see, since the chances that it might be something I can diagnose from the top of my head is slim.

Did you seriously not see what I just said above? I said I’ve been trying to upload it, but haven’t had much luck given the circumstances ATM. Suggestions/tips/advice would be appreiated! :+1:

I saw what you wrote, but I do not want you to share it with me specifically. I want you to post it for everyone. How however is up to you, since I do not know what for tools you have at your disposal nor do I own an iPhone. If you have a Google account just upload it to Youtube and share the link here.

Well, you should be feeling quite fortunate now. I FINALLY got it to upload after shrinking it to the appropriate size. :man_facepalming: Anyway, it’s there for EVERYONE to view now.

From what I see I would agree that it seems plausible to be related to the graphics card. Are you certain the screen and cable are working correctly, do you maybe have something like a TV setup you could attach the screen to, to make sure it’s an error inside the computer? Are you able the enter the UEFI if you press the corresponding key? If so does your screen output somehow change?

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As far as my monitor goes, I’ve had it for roughly 1.5-2 years & it has served me quite well with no issues. (I’m not entirely sure if the DisplayPort cable has an issue with it or not though…) Also, that’s the only display I have so it wouldn’t work out with my mom’s older monitor that she uses. Oddly enough, I was able to enter the BIOS just once when I first booted it up after swapping the case & my fans, but after that, I can’t get into the BIOS now. Not sure what you meant about “screen output”…

What I mean by that is if you boot your computer and repeatedly press the key, that is specified in your mainboards user manual for entering the UEFI, does your screen show something implicating the mainboard did so successfully e.g. showing something looking like a very scrambled UEFI screen. Then I would bet that it is your GPU at fault. If nothing changes at all it could still be a number of things. The thing I certainly would do is to check that the GPU is properly seated in the PCIe slot and check that there is no physical obstruction like bend or unclean contacts.

Well, I did see the notification it would normally give you when you build a brand new system & boot it up for the 1st time. Eg “Intel i7-9700K in Asus ROG Strix Z390-E mobo detected along with 16GB DDR4-3200 ram, etc, press F1 to run setup.” Something like that. Plus, I know for a fact that I didn’t have anything interfering when I went to put my GPU back in the slot. Somehow, I feel like it might beemphasized text** be GPU-related, but I’m no expert; I just need some help!

To be honest it is hard to further troubleshoot this issue just by looking at your display output. The obvious next thing I would do is switch out the graphics card against another one.

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Normally, I would. But the only problem is that this GPU is the only 1 I have. If I wasn’t currently unemployed & money was no object, I would upgrade to Z490 in a heartbeat, but alas, things aren’t so simple. Hope you understand my point/situation here.

Sure I understand, but if you are certain there is nothing wrong with the physical contacts and you can neither test the monitor nor the graphics card there is really nothing I can help you with.

I do not know where you are living, but in your case I would order the cheapest Nvidia GeForce GT 710 I can find, then test my computer with it and either keep it as a temporary replacement until I can get a proper graphics card again or return it after doing all related troubleshooting and get my money back.

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I appreciate the suggestion man, but I’m not really into having older hardware in my system. Besides, the GPU has to drive my 1440p monitor for my game sessions. I’m into other options as long as I won’t have to shell out a whole crapton of money. It just wouldn’t be feasible ATM.

If you haven’t changed the display cable out yet. Do that.

Cheap, and I’ve seen all sorts of weird problems caused by out of spec, damaged or otherwise bad cables.

Also check/confirm all your motherboard power and GPU power cables are plugged into the right places.

Also. Start with the basics. Pop everything you can out of the system.

1 ram stick
Onboard video if possible
No drives or other cards

See if it will post. If not, check the connectivity of all components.

I spent way too much time diagnosing a post problem the other day because I’d failed to plug in supplementary board power into the psu at the power supply end. Machine would turn on, fans start to spin and then power off. Was after a psu swap…

It happens…

I did try swithing to a different DP on my GPU, but I get the same bloody results. Everything is plugged in properly as I have watched build guides on YT before. It did attempt to post & I only got to my BIOS just once & after that, I wasn’t able to due to the arifacting I have seen/experienced.

Like I said earlier, I’m not an expert, but I suspect the issue might be with my GPU or possibly with my DP cable going from the GPU to the monitor…? :thinking: (Not sure on that 1. Also, bear in mind that the motherboard Asus sent to me as a replacement IS brand new since they weren’t able to fix/repair my original board that I had to RMA.)

Yup. Like I said. Change that cable.

Also I’ve been building PCs since 1992 and still screw up occasionally. Check everything. Including that cable.

Assuming something is ok and not checking it is how you go round in circles for hours rather than just ruling it out with a test. :joy:

Trust me I’ve done it many times.

If you have integrated graphics available you can rule out the GPU. If you don’t… and swapping cable doesn’t help then maybe try borrow an old spare GPU from someone that works to test with.

I would, but that’s the only DP cable that came with my monitor from what I know/remember. I know what you mean with what you said above, but I’m sure of myself. It’s either with the GPU, or something with my DP cable although I doubt it’s the latter now that I think about it…


Until you can objectively test things to conclusively rule them out, you’re just guessing.

And RMAing a GPU or motherboard because you have a faulty DisplayPort cable won’t help you. It will just add delay. :joy: