Hi i am a noob as always. I am wanting to create a website. I know basic html and stuff, trying to learn css, but i am just wondering what program or which toturial website is the best place to learn this. Also if i want to make the website more dynamic what other progaming languages should i learn. Thanks for the help.
Hey! I'll repost a link I left on another thread:
I'm still a website noob as well, but seems like what you'll want to know are html, css, php, (maybe) javascript, and (maybe) ajax. Others may have better suggestions...
Here's a link to a recent forum thread with more information on tutorials and such: http://teksyndicate.com/forum/web-based/where-start-website-coding/122051
It really depends on what you'd like to do.
I personally would suggest
- html & css (a given & important)
- php - If you would like to have server side content or security. (forums, blogs & anything dynamic)(learning MySQL may also be important)
- Javascript [ JQuery = related ] - If you want the flashy, cross-browser, slick with client side dynamic abilities. (fancy sliders, updating content without refreshing, changing styles and such after page is loaded, etc)
- and it's up to you but I really like Wordpress (it's a framework that uses php and mySQL) but seems teksyndicate uses drupal and some prefer joomla but that's just a matter of opinion :)
For where to learn these things i have a few places that really helped me.
Javascript (&more) at http://www.codecademy.com - They will walk you through step by step and make it quite easy
Php,javascript,etc at http://www.developphp.com/ & http://www.youtube.com/user/flashbuilding/videos - Adam at developphp is a cool guy and has a huge community of people that will help out and share code, etc.
And probably my favorite is Derek Banas at New Think Tank here http://www.youtube.com/user/derekbanas/videos?view=1 and http://www.newthinktank.com/ - He goes through all kinds of full in depth tutorials of many languages and shares all the source with you plus if you get stuck he's really nice and will help you out!
*All of these are completely free.
Hope this helps!