Can anyone recommend me software that's free and will allow me to remote to my home PC to view and hear webcam stream to my Android phone? I want the ability to manually turn on and off the webcam and tell it to record and when to stop recording. So far everything either requires a monthly fee or just does video only.
I use Windows on my HTPC, but one day I plan to switch to Linux. So if there's software that works on both Windows and Linux that would make things easier in the future.
I found software that sorta works. It's called Open Broadcaster software with OBS remote plugin, and app for Android. Works the way I want it too, even though it was made for game streaming, but you can just stream webcam footage and it records it to a flv file with audio. With their app I can start and stop the recording, but I can't view it on my phone.
I have no idea how to stream directly to a device rather than using Twitch. I've heard of Red5 but can't find it anyway. Twitch's Android app won't let you view it unless it's the 750 most popular Streams. I don't even want twich for this, but that's all I have setup for the moment.
If anyone has a solution for this please let me know.