For the past few weeks I have had a website hosted with, as I wanted a UK based server for my heavily MySQL-based project. However now, as I am starting to deploy the working code of my project. I am beginning to realise that my hosting solution is not making the job easy. Particularly, installing PHPMyAdmin, and getting it to talk to the SQL server (that I can't even get a username and password for) is proving extremely difficult for me.
SO... I was wondering, would it be easier for me (as a first time web developer who can't host at home) to use the amazon web services cloud. Obviously most of the people on here will be much more experienced, and will likely think that the whole thing's easy. But for a first time developer, is it easy to transfer a domain? and is the amazon platform good (think "stupid simple") for me?
P.S Although Amazon is offering me a free year of services, they don't say what will need to be payed after that, so any clarification there would be great.
go with digital ocean i believe they have servers in Amsterdam. Depending on the usage of your server you could probably get a 5$ a month server or when you need more power you can simply upgrade. Or look for a VPS on VPS hosts usually have quick build LAMP installs which will give MySQL and don't use PHPmyadmin btw. Use something like Heidi SQL it does everything phpmyadmin does and then some plus its a program so its much more secure and stable then running phpmyadmin.
Digital Ocean has a new London data center, too. Also they have a stupid simple interface, while in my opinion AWS does not. An alternative could be, with more RAM but less SSD space, and they don't have prerolled images for the LAMP stack (though it should be about as simple as apt-get install lamp-server^ on a base Ubuntu server).
Here's a tutorial from Digital Ocean that should help get phpMyAdmin rolling: