So today i read this article at a dutch technology site:
for the non dutch reading people (most of the people over here): ubisoft has banished product keys from people accounts who paid for that game. their reasoning: you didnt buy the game at an official retailer. With this behaviour ubisoft is trailing on the edge of what is legal. For compensation ubisoft tells you to contact your retailer. an open letter is over here:
this is just not okay. I still have all my keys but a lot of people got screwed.
January 26, 2015, 10:03am
Honestly it doesn't surprise me. Just one more stupid thing they've done.
January 26, 2015, 10:05am
It doesn't suprise me at all either but this is the first time that they are directly stealing.
January 26, 2015, 10:06am
..and they will keep doing crap like this until people just stop buying their games (which they will then just blame on piracy... or possibly AMD :D).
January 26, 2015, 10:07am
nononon it must be those darn pc gamers who dare think that 60fps is better than the cinematic 30 fps ;)
January 26, 2015, 7:00pm
Stop buying their crap? They will notice that.
Yep. It's what I opted for and it's working out pretty well for me.
January 27, 2015, 12:17am
Seriously though, just boycott and let them die or be hated.
Just pirate their games. Then you don't have to deal with uPwned.
Bought Risen 3 recently and ran into the same problem, pirated the game and guess what? Worked perfectly fine.
It's a sad state when you punish your customers for buying your games but pirates get the best experience.
welp, time to fire up utorrent.