Since I have a Kingston Hyper X 3k 120GGB SSD already for my OS, I have been shopping for a Hardrive for Games/Storage. Been doing alot of research and can't figure out which one is better value or the real differences.
Both of the these are 64 mb cache and the size is 1TB.
The differences are the warrenty and the purpose it should be are market towards.The Blue is a 1TB platter hardrive and the Black is not. Seeing the Blue has higher read speeds and data density of being 1TB platter.
The price range for them are pretty good as now the blue is on sale for $59.99/69.99 and the Black is now $89.99. Only $30/20 for now.I know I should go towards the black since it is meant for Gaming/media and a better warrenty. But I would like a hear you guys options as they are about the same in performance. If not these...go towards Seagate Barracuda 1TB? Other Hardrives? Just got to know the real differences.
Please let me know. My goal is mostly just for gaming storage.
Its really does not matter that much the black is going to be faster but the blue is cheaper. I would go with the caviar blue because I heard the blacks are loud but it may no really be a problem but something to think about I also had a caviar blue in my previous pc and it worked great.
I have 2x500GB WD Caviar Blacks in Raid0 as my OS drive and most of my games are not installed which given the price difference between 1-2TB drives is something worth bearing consideration. Additionally HDDs have gotten alot faster in the last 3 or so years (although I believe quality has deteriorated).
Personally if I were to get an SSD to accelerate my system I would consider getting an SSD to cache a HDD (Maybe two in raid0) which I would run my OS, Applications and Games off of. This way I could accelerate all my applications, games and commonly used files rather than just what I can fit onto the SSD.
Between the blue drive and black youwont really notice any difference in load times and speed. To me, the longer warranty of the black doesnt justify any extra 20+$ so I would go with the blue.
I was in the same position as you are. I just build my new rig with a 240GB boot drive and a 1TB WD Blue for installing games. After playing for a while I got sick of load times and upgraded to Black and could hardly notice the difference. In the end I just got another three SSD's (on sale, I couldn't resist). In hindsight though, it was stupid to spending all that money to save a couple of seconds.
Just go with the Blue unless you have a spare grand or your time is valuable enough to justify the money.
Thank you everyone. But I'm still trying to find the real Facts of these 2 hardrives. It does make sense to get the Blue vs the Black. The Black is just better company insurance. 1TB platter are more relibie THAN the black's (2) 500gb platters into 1Tb hardrive. at least in theory of physical contact of date reading.
As of now.. the price difference is shorten about $20. I do wish the WD Blacks will get the 1TB platter design. Could be the reason for the price droppes these days.