So my main pc is giving me issues after I flashed the motherboard and started to become very unstable. So anyways I'm getting a lot of frame drops from 70's to the teens which I am not used to in CS:GO and League of Legends is there anyways to reduce them without overclocking on the cpu which is in a Acer Aspire.
The specs of the Acer Aspire
Intel Core 2 Quad 8200
R9 270X
Corsair CX500
4gb ddr2 ram
ps. I have a 7750 as a spare should I replace the 270x? And yes I know I have a bottleneck with the cpu holding down the gpu.
hmm I'll try that and yeah just realised that it already using 50% of my ram running chrome with 6 tabs and steam and hw monitor in the background. I used to have way more tabs if i had my main pc.
With a system that old you might find that a program called Razer Game Booster will help you out. it's a free download and works wonders especially with limited ram like that. I used to use it on a laptop with a first gen I3, integrated graphics, and 4 gigs of ram to play stalker gave me at least a 20% boost in performance and the jitters went away.
Indeed, performance wise the 270X is not the weakest link. However that does not mean that is not causing an issue. Those AMD cards get hot, and especially when overclocked and in a poorly ventilated case.
That's a bit weird. You shouldn't have a problem with CS:GO at all. There's an option in CS:GO called multicore rendering. Try enabling or disabling it and see if anything is different. You should be getting better frames with it enabled. You can also try putting the "-threads 4" (because it's a quad-core) in launch options. There's also a command to preload the entire map so it doesn't load resources as you're playing the game (cl_forcepreload "1"). It may increase loading times, but it shouldn't be very noticeable. Try that as well.
It was already set enabled since I slapped in the C drive onto the Acer Aspire yes I did not re-install the OS just basically took it out and put it in another pc and it worked may try multicore rendering in csgo but I like my fps in csgo at least 100 and its not.
So are you saying you took the C: drive out of one computer, and put it in another without reformatting the drive and doing a clean install of Windows? If so, that is probably why you are having stability issues. I'm surprised it even booted.