Water Cooling Help

im thinking about getting a h220-x for a new system i want to build. i have never done water cooling before and want to try it. so my thinking is to use the h220-x as a base then expand it to an asus rog posiden and an asus rog maximus vii formula. my problem at the moment is not sure what fittings, tubing, and other miscellaneous things i need if im going to do this. the other problem is i dont know if im going to need another rad or if the pump wont be enough for a loop that big. any pointers are appreciated 

I believe it requires an adepter for the pump outlet that is cheap. Then you can use up to 1/2 id tubing and any fitting that's g1/4 .  At least that is what swiftech says. The pump in a dumb down mcp50x to my knowledge and should be able to handle a cpu,gpu and another rad but as I don't own one of these I am basing everything on what I am told from Swiftech.

So limit yourself to 1/2inch id tubing and any g1/4 fittings to match said tubing. Also you might want to keep your runs short for maximum performance with this set up.

Please keep us up to date as I am very curious how this works out. Best of luck.


so should i get a second rad? or would one be enough?  so i need to get 1/2 in tubing 1/4 in fittings is there any brands that would be recommended? good place to buy them? also i hope i can get do this too but right now im trying to get funds together. sucks being a poor college student.

The pump should be enough, your just adding a few more tubes and heatsinks of roughly the same restrictions, so the pump should be able to provide adedequate flow in series, Adding more pumps will only increase your head pressure not the flow. Gravity is the biggest force the pump will be trying to overcome anways. The closer you can keep components aligned on a horizontal plane, the less workload on the pump, increasing its lifespan.

If you add more pumps you would have to structure the system into parallel to increase flow adding to the overall cost and complexity.

As for the radiator being adequate (you mentioned h220-x), the fan setup and airflow, utilization of hardware, ambient temps, and humidity levels are all factors. If you are on a tight budget I would see how a single rad performs and monitor your temps. Why spend the extra on a second rad upfront, you can always add in another rad later.

Any brand will do for fitting. It all comes down to the look you want and need. Such as quick disconnect,90 degree,t-lines etc. Most fitting are g1/4 thread so most will be okay just match the id and/or od of you tubing.

Tubing- wait till you get this kit in hand and you will have a better idea what you want to do. It will do just about any tubing so don't stress over it.

Take the first step and get the kit. All will come together after that.

As for shopping go to performance-pcs or fronzencpu. You can pretty much buy anything on the market at these two online stores.


ok let me compress this down so you can tell if i got all of this

1 you need your pump to hit 1 gpm to run right

2 the pump that is on the h220 x might not be powerfull enough once i put a asus 980 rog Poseidon and a asus maximus vii formula because of the amount of psi restriction on those componets and the cpu water block.

just wondering if this is what you want me to get out of it becasue you just posted alot of information right there kinda blew my mind alittle.

for all intensive purposes what size would you recommend?


Why, there is no "so much wrong" with anything I said unless it is just argument for arguments sake. I'm just trying to keep it simple for a poor college student on a tight budget.

As the most interesting man in the world would say: "Stay constructive my friend"

If you prefer swiftech, have you considered the waiting for the h240-X, release is just on the horizon.


NCIX even has it on preorder for a great price of $124.51 USD


Why the vitriol friend :(

-Pumps in series will only add head not increase flow.  If you want to increase flow you must add  pumps in parallel or use a bigger pump. http://webwormcpt.blogspot.com/2008/04/series-parallet-pump-calculator.html

-The included pump should already be balanced for the restrictions in the loop, assuming engineers did their job, the greatest force left on the pump to account for would be gravity. http://www.globalspec.com/pfdetail/pumps/flow

-I did not say they have to be on a perfect horizontal plane. I merely mention this because it is often overloooked as a factor when designing a loop. If you can bring components closer together as feasible horizontally why not? This will reduce the pump workload.

- Humidity is always a factor in heat rejection, I did not say it is the primary factor, I was just giving it as one of the variables. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Psychrometrics

So nothing I stated is incorrect or irrelevant. I was simply trying to add constructive comments. :(


ok just wondering say i dont get the h220x and i wanted to do a loop through the maximus vii formula, swiftech apogee xl, and a asus 980 Poseidon then putting it all in a coolermaster storm trooper while also sticking to a red and black color scheme. what rads,fans(would like red led if possible), tubing, fittings (i personally like compression and black chrome), pump, coolent and res trying to keep it as cheap as possible.