Hey everyone, was looking at investing in a water cooler for my system.. tho my hyper 212 plus does a good job i want a good OC on my 965 BE and my brother need a new cooler and he said hed buy it for like 20 bucks. So that leaves me with about 120 for a water cooler. I figure why not CPU is as ive said an amd 965 be, mobo is asrock 970 extreme 3 am3+ motherboard, my case is the CM HAF 912 (not the advanced one but still holds 2 120s at the top. any help on a good water cooler for this system? best deal for the money, i know the h100i is good but idk about if its that much better than an h80? can anyone possibly give me a ball park as how muhc better my temps would be with watter cool vs air? current max temp is like 44C on full load.
Thanks for the help and reading my long ass post!