Water Cooler

Hey I am planning to get a water cooler and I was wondering if anybody had any suggestions on what to get. I am currently looking at the Corsair h105 which I would mount to the top of my mid tower PC case but if I were to get the h110i I would have to mount it on the front of the PC. Thoughts suggestions?

always mention how much you can pay and the case (or even better, the maximum dimensions)
since you didn't I'll just say that it's usually more efficient to have a radiator than can fit more fans (I mean longer, not on both sides) than a thicker one when possible.

what is your cpu, are you over clocking, can you fit a dual rad, are you against a large air tower

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Heres a tip: whatever you get, make sure you keep the proof of purchase. AIO coolers go bad a LOT.

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