I am just interested to see how Watch Dogs is running on peoples systems. I only had a quick go on the game last night when it initially came out. I hadn't updated drivers and the like. I ran into some nasty stuttering and frame rate dips.
Im running on a 780 @1.18Ghz core and at 1440p. If I disregard the dips and the stutter I would say I am looking at 40-50fps on Ultra settings.
I think its across the board, (I am yet to buy) reading the steam reviews a lot of people are saying the same as you. stupid AAA titles, all hipe. I really hope it get patched out soon
I've just finished watching Totalbiscuit's first look and the game apparently runs sub 60 FPS even with dual Titans at max settings and it probably runs even worse on AMD cards (a Forbes article I read showed that a 290X only ran on par with a 770)
You said you hadn't updated your drivers. Is that still the case? Nvidia put out a new driver (337.88) YESTERDAY that specifically mentions Watch Dog enhancements over 335.23.
Definitely try the newest nvidia drivers. Even the 750 ti is able to average 34 isd fps on ultra with the newest 337 drivers. I know mine wont because my 3ghz core 2 duo will bottleneck the hell out of it. But if i can get 30 fps on medium ill be happy
Just DL the 337 drivers and it has stayed the same only loaded up real quick since I'm leaving for work in a minute will mess around later tonight but my GeForce Experience is not loading the game on the list.
I'm playing with a GTX 650 Ti BOOST with medium settings and level of detail on high. You can see in my video there were a couple hiccups here and there but otherwise it ran prettty smooth
for nvidia there should be a driver update to fix some of that, for amd since ubisoft used nvidia proprietary code there will never be a driver update.
Even with nvidia its still a badly optimized game, but with ubisoft I'm not surprised. Heck uplay went down so people who paid for the game cant play but pirates can.
I have a GTX 780 (asus DCU II 3GB) and I'm running the latest drivers. Lowering the Textures to high instead of ultra fixed all of the stuttering I was having. Ultra textures says it requires 3GB of VRam but I was still getting a lot of stuttering. High fixed it and everything else is still set to ultra. I also turned off mouse smoothing / acceleration and the game feels much better.