Even though im an ati man... I have to admit its cool that nvidia is giving away the game...
Im hosting a server @ the moment.
serv id : nated
no pass
Even though im an ati man... I have to admit its cool that nvidia is giving away the game...
Im hosting a server @ the moment.
serv id : nated
no pass
i got that thur game like a million years ago. it's nothing new.
Still... lol
pleez get rid of that avatar, it creeps me out.
lmao, why?
so is anyone joining cause if not, there's no point in me waiting.
no brah. why do you hate my avi?
it just creeps me out. Get one like mine. The apple is creepy.
lol played it for 5 minutes
uninstalled the shit..
It's an I hate apple avatar.
Well apple Iz evil but they make a good iPod
in fact I'm on my iPod right now. Cause on my desktop the server is running.
which there is nobody on!!!! LOL
It's not a good game, it's meant for benchan.
ur porbly right...it ran like crap on an 8500gt @ 1440x900...in all low settings....:( im gonna delete it and save me 2 gbs of hdd space.
i also ran it on 8500 GT, low setings, trying out the Nvidia Physx, i got like 5 fps.....and like EVERYTHING has physics...lol killed my GPU
i ran it on my 8600gt when i had the single core sempron. it was blah. i wouldn't get it now, even though i'm sure it would run on all very good settings smoothly..