Wants to buy

In the market for a video card and memory, looking to put some money in someone's pocket rather than newegg's.

The usual drill...
WHAT GAMES? / what use

ans what currently have?

lol note that this was posted at 2 a.m. Â Right now i have a broke dick 9400gt that cant run anything new... Â I want to be able to run games like grid, crysis, and other GPU smashing games. Â Budget - Around a hundred bucks

GTS250 should do that fine.
Or a GTX260...

http://www.provantage.com/evga-512-p3-1140-tr~7EVGA0FN.htm real talk, evga for $105

[size= medium][color=#ffffff]Thanks guys, that sounds good. [/color][/size]

The Radeon 5670 is about $100 which would be good if you want to use DX11. Otherwise GTS 250 is your best bet

The Radeon 5670 is about $100 which would be good if you want to use DX11. Otherwise GTS 250 is your best bet

dont get the gts250 find a cheaper higher end card. the 250 is hot, at least evga's and it sounds like a vaccum on auto fan speed even if you are playing tf2. thats what happened to me

yeah im already looking at high end cards, I figure its better to wait and save more and do a little future proofing

good idea dx10 is not going to last long

GTX 470, or wait until June, when the GTS 450 is released.

If you want something now, a Radeon HD 5770 or a GTX 260 would be your best bet. The 5770 is the best card in its price range as of right now that supports DX 11, while the GTX 260 is still a damn good contender when it come to DX 10. It all comes down to how long you want to wait and how much you want to spend. If I were you, I would wait til about june and get a GTX 450 or see if ATi drops prices on their 5850, as the thing is a monster for the price range it is in, and overclocked, it is faster then a single 5870.

Savage has got the fact straight, do what he said. Though out of his two suggestions, I'd certainly wait until June...

Yeah you should wait. You wouldn't want to get a current DX11 card, to find it won't work as well as future cards, once DX11 games are released.