I'm thinking about Opensuse.
All my research is pointing me in that linux based os....been a windows user but I want to support open softwares out there.
Lemme know if anyone has any ideas or suggestions with what linux based OS I should get.
PS: Ubuntu is kind of out of the questions for me. They contributed nothing for the linux line and free software they use...no monetary contribution to the guys putting in their time and effort for no money. Where as almost all others do (whether its money or publicity)
Try a few distros and see what you like. openSUSE is probably one of my favorites for a kde desktop so it wouldn't hurt to give it a shot.
Ya that's the one I'm going with...seems easiest to use
Which one is better? Genome or kde
I have mixed feelings toward both KDE and Gnome. I used to use KDE exclusively. But that was ages ago.
I used to love the Amarok Music engine in KDE, but they changed how it worked and I lost interest in using it.
Debian is good, Suse is ok.. Linux Mint and ArchLinux are tolerable. Don't like Ubuntu. Fedora is.. eh.. I haven't given it a chance since 1999.
If you are interested in learning how the system works from the bottom up, I suggest going through the insanely manual process of installing Gentoo.
I would suggest doing a dual boot Debian & OpenSuse, but if ease of use is the main thing you could go for Mint. A lot depends on how you gonna customize your preferred system & what you want installed on it. Debian & Mint are from the same family so you can look at it as just two different starting-points, one could be better for you than the other because its closer to your preferred setup.
The thing is; you can always change thing later on, the keyword is choice.
I prefer KDE over Debian (I used to love Debian 2.x & think you should try MATE), but I mostly use Xfce there days.
I recommend Manjaro (based or Arch) or Sabayon (based on Gentoo) Both are easy to use and based on powerful distributions. And they are both rolling releases.
GUI wise it really is a matter of personal taste. I like GNOME but if you are used to Windows you may hate it.
Im not familiar with arck or gentoo. what are those? Too lazy to read articles, I have a busy day today for some rare reason.
feed me information. feed it to me
Those distributions are built around building the system yourself and are rolling release so their software is the latest and greatest. Arch uses preconfigured packages which are easier to maintain. Gentoo compiles it's software from source so it normally faster. Majaro and Sabayon are preconfigured versions of the above that have the same tools available to them.
Ya I just checked out Majaro. Looks really good. But opensuse looks so polished and well built. Zorin looks really good too.
Idk what to do exactly. I dont wanna fork over the 120 bucks for windows 8. But it makes gaming so much easier. Any suggestions on gaming linux os?
I might just set up a dual boot with steam os....
Sabayon has a mode that boots straight into Steam Big Picture.
My issue with Zorin is that it is based off Ubuntu so you have to wait 6 mints for new kernels and drivers.
Windows 7 is still good for gaming but you really want Linux for all the handy open source software and to fix issues windows can't.
I kind of like my mint kde. Easy to use for a noob like me. I already use xbmc and steam. So, i dont really feel the need for a linux distro the boots steam big picture. Roll those distro's . Its nice having options.
ya im downloading the mind 64bit kde. version 17 "qiana"
I hope thats the one. Hope i can count on you for tips and tricks. ha :)
Try SUSE with XFCE, Compiz, and Emerald. It's awesome.
I have to disagree with the OP, Ubuntu has contributed some minor items, they have provided a base for some good distros, and their minimal CD is rather good for people who do not know how to build Arch or another mini distro.
As for support, Bug testing is a good way in, answering questions and donate money to distros you love
Actually there are much better people here to take advise from here than I. Thumbs up i really like that distro. It is helping me make the change and learn new things. I even found some old friends ( programs ) i have used in the past and liked, there. I remember correctly that its friendly with the older wifi adapters not so much the newer ones.Thats the only issue i have had. I love my console looking linux. (dont let zoltan see this) Its also helps greatly with my gadget love also.
ya ill be running and testing a few distros until next thursday when my drives come in from "butt fuck delivery" amazon.com. ha
hmmm. wondering which would be best. having a hard time intalling or running suse. so I gave up until the drives come in. Im really looking forward to suse. My research is telling me that suse has contributed a lot for the linux cause. plus they dont watch you like ubuntu
They did contribute Upstart back in '06 but Shuttleworth didn't think Systemd despite its rapid growth was optimistic for them. I hope you enjoy SUSE like I do. I guess source based distros never made any sense to me as they complicate matters in terms of installing packages however if you want a trade and true distro it's the only path to go. SUSE has been my favorite distro of the bunch. I've tried Manjaro, Ubuntu, Debian, SolydXK, Mint, and even Fedora however SUSE was the best for me... Everyone will has a different need and as such SUSE may not be best suited for you. I wish you the best with SUSE.
Same here. We don't know it all, however we can try to help you the best we can. I've only been using Linux for around two years now.