Wanting Info About Pentium MMX Chip Differences


I currently am working on a Toshiba Sattelite Pro 460CDX. Its a wonderful machine, and does a lot more than I could ask for in regards to the work I do with it (mostly, data recovery jobs).

As of recent I’ve gotten some projects that I want to do with it. Mostly stupid shit like use it as a cabin computer for my RV (music, power management, ODB info, shit like that), or get a PCMCIA wireless N card that’ll work on it and make it run aircrack or something. I dunno. Something really stupid.

But then I had the thought… What are the actual differences between a desktop and laptop pentium?

This is a 166mhz chip, with what looks like a full 66mhz bus? I don’t really know much about processors until about the end of the pentium 3, at least intel wise. I know more about MOS 6502’s than I have ever really cared about pentiums, in comparison.

Is there a difference? If so, what? I even notice the voltages are listed in the manual for the unit configuration.

Link: Detailed specs for Satellite Pro 460CDX

Thanks for any info

I don’t know specifics by heart, but the entire range of legacy Pentium CPUs (with & without MMX) and their specs are listed over at:

The MMX is an instruction set, that was added on latter variants, of the Pentium Processor. Matching up Desktop v. Laptop, would have been a straight 1:1, as avoiding additional socket R+D [back then], but more keen on avoiding the hottest/hungriest chip tiers

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Good to know. Thank you, thats exactly what I needed.

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