Want your opinions on what I should upgrade

SO its about that time of year were great sales happen so I want your guys opinions on what I should upgrade first on my pc, I mostly play games like Bf4, and I plan on playing gta 5 when it comes out on pc to.

heres my build- 

  • Corsair 200r 
  • i5 4670k 3.4ghz 
  • Z87-G41 PC MATE 
  • EVGA Gefore Gtx 760 
  • Cosair CX750M 
  • HyperX Fury 8GB 
  • Western Digital 1tb HDD 

Graphics card definitely and then an SSD later on down the line.

I got that 760 too and it's a very good card still, can run both BF4 and prob GTA 5 on ultra, so in my opinion SSD first then GPU maybe to a 970 if you're in for NVidia

No that's impossible.

Depending on how the deals are, it might be worth waiting until Q1 2015 to upgrade your GPU because of the 300 series from AMD.

Well, tbh I don't really care if you say it's impossible as I'm running BF4 on ultra preset on 40-50 fps, hell a 750 ti can run it on ultra preset 30-40, so yeah, it's not impossible I don't know about GTA 5 for obvious reasons, but BF4 is defently possible. Ofc your not gonna run it at 60 FPS all the time, but that doesn't mean it's not smooth.

If he lives in amarica Black friday is coming up the 28th of november, he can score some really good deals there.

SSD, your graphics card is fine it's only a year old, some gamers are still using 9800gtx. The only viable upgrade would be 970 but then again getting 10-30 frames more warrent that 300 dollar upgrade? IMO, wait for next next generation when they are doing 4k standard. 300 dollars can net u 2 256gb SSD have them raid 0 and u got 700+ MB transfers.

Oh well yeah at 40fps I guess, but usually we base "what runs" as 60fps+

Just buy a 128gb SSD for your boot drive at a reasonable price and you'll be good for a long time. I highly suggest that you don't buy a new graphics card and just save your money.

SSD boot drive (around $70 for 128GB) and faster GPU  ... $200 for an R9 280x right now

That's not actually true, if you watch some of the teksyndicate benchmark videos you'll see  that they classify "smooth gameplay" as 30 fps+ which is probely about right, to say that you need 60+ fps to run a game is like saying you need to drive 80 Km/h in a car before it really drives.