Want to voice act for Skywind?

Hey, Lango here.

This question is for Logan, Wendel, Pistol and Qain (and agent Beard? :P )

I am thankful for the attention you bring to the Skywind project. There are a few who say they came from Tek Syndicate. In the Tek 108 Logan and Wendel were joking about auditioning but seriously, what have you got to lose?

It would be awesome to see if there is some leftover passion from your love for technology and games. For most Americans, Imperials are the easiest to do so surely you can pull that off ;). Maybe orcs? If Wendel or cain feel like going high pitched and slightly nasaly (think Steve Buscemi or the guy who says, "inconceivable!" from the princess bride).

We lack female voice actors so Pistol would be more than welcome to audition!

Think about it guys!  

You've heard us all, link to characters you think we might be good for? 

Right. Logan and Pistol are probably best suited for Imperial (I don't know if they can do some awesome accents but as it is, imperial works). Qain will probably have an easier time with bosmer. Wendel, have an orc! Even though i know your voices, i do not know the extent of your acting skills so these are merely auditioning roles, not final ones.
PISTOL: Marara (Imperial Vampire Monk) 

LOGAN: Marsus Tullius (Imperial Trader)

 QAIN: Gaenor (Bosmer Pauper) 

 Wendel: Shazgob Gra-Luzgan (Orc Trader)

Imperials: Speak with authority! Bosmer: High pitched and slightly nasally (napoleon complex in Gaenors case) Orc: They have tusks... jut your lower jaw out slightly to give yourself a bit of a sean connery SH S sound. Orc are allowed to be slightly pitched down (no more than 12%) in order to further achieve this SH S sound and sound more like an orc would. 

Anyone who wants to do this can just hop on the forum and post in the appropriate forum threads. If Smitehammer and I like it, we might need to add you to skype for some coaching (unless it really seems like you have it under control, in which case it would just be for convenience) 


I'll try auditioning. Don't know what my vocals would be good for though

A bit of a bump.

*beating a dead horse*





Probably you don't want to hear the reading where I actually put tusks in my mouth. Lol. I was barely intelligible.


I think Wendell's deeper one sounds really good.

Wendell's deepest one seems to fit the best.

He would make a very good orc in my opionon

I played around with the files a little.. after some editing, this could work. The deeper voice is not something i want because it seems that you are pushing yourself a little too far to be able keep the quality consistent. With proper editing, we can achieve more natural sounding lows without the straining of your voice. I will run it by the department lead!

Get Logan, Pistol and Qain too :D 

Lol, nbd, don't stretch. I did do an audio short story and some broadcast work many moons ago. That's a bit away from voice acting. I also do a pretty decent "monarch" voice (from venture bros.). He fights the zeitgeist with polite might. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiYtdnsdt1o


Wendell that was sweet man , you are good ^^

I would like to try it out but I only got an XLR mic and no mixer and stuff..

There like a small excerpt of a script I can try out? I am very interested. I would need to get a better microphone. Though my phone seems to do fairly decent for audio recording. 

take some of the lines i gave to the others :) they are further up ^^^

I'm leaving this tag open until I get back from Computex. I'm on it then!

Wendel, consider yourself an orc... Logan, it seems you are back! :D looking forward to your clips! (I wish your voice was still off though.. it sounded awesome! :D)

nudge Qain too! Let's get you all on board :D (If you do the voices right of course.

Hey Lango, I tried messaging you a while back on a skywind webpage of some sort (I don't remember if it was a facebook or just the website....it's been many months).  I'm very interested if you still need voice actors.  I'm already doing several different skyrim characters for another guy's mod that hasn't released yet because he is a perfectionist, lol. But I will record voices to the scripts posted above when I get to my studio tonight.

Oh. I have replied to everyone as far as i am concerned (PMs that is) .. Tesrenewal.com .. langotriel. PM me again.

Yeah I remember that I did NOT do a PM last time.  I just did now though. please let me know what you think. Helping you guys out would be an incredible opportunity and I would really appreciate the chance to be a part of this humongous undertaking.