lol i dont have either but my laptop has that little lcd screen to tell me my batter% ram usage and cpu usage adn display any message i want to also i can connect it to msn and my email pops up damn asus couldent make it open source
lol i only have the g11.. i WISH they also sold the NEWER g15 in different colors because that ORANGE is just no.
if you want to, i believe tjharlow on youtube said he would change the led lights on the newer g15 for anyone.. of course there would be an extra fee involved. :/
The Nanovision Mimo's? I was gonna have my dad get me one of those since he's in Korea right now on business, but I'm saving for an EVGA step up to a GTX 260, and I don't really need any "mini-monitors". Still...they're so cool! =P
i don't know how much this helps you, but i this person is selling a version 1 G15, it's a local forum so maybe you can make an account on there and see if he'll send it out to you