Okay I’m very new to all this and I’m more mechanical than tech brained
Basically I have a ton of newer and old computer stuff including lap tops laying around (a lot of out dated stuff, I may even have a floppy drive in the mess level old)
What I want to do is basically build a storage and retrieval computer, it needs to have a ton of reliable storage, a fair bit of ram, and a basic interface
I’m so new I’m not entirely sure where to start, I don’t care how Frankensteined and ugly it looks in the end as long as it works
My current questions are,
What things can are cross compatible?
Are there work arounds to force cross compatiblity?
How many old hard drives can I fashion into one housing (I have a whole pile I’ve been using like external hard drives)
How many tiny sticks of ram can I put into one machine to increase it’s speed?
Where can I avoid spending money, and where is it absolutely unavoidable?
I have a ton of tools to work with for the physical building part including a 3d printer
Thanks in advance for any help