Want a free album!?

Greetings all!

If you like metal, then Like my bands FB page and I will send you a download link to our album for free!


A few clicks and a Like isn't asking that much I think / hope! It took me close to 7 years to finish so hopefully you dig it! Plus FB is taking over the world and as lame as it sounds, the Like count really does make a difference for smaller bands like us.


There is this studio vid too:


This is the only post I will make about it so I wont go around spamming about it. You know how it is!

I just built a recording computer as a result of finding the Tek 'tube vids which I will be doing album #2 on which is fabulous.




Liked by myself and my FB page my friend. 

Link msg'ed :)
Thanks very much and I hope you dig it!

I appeove!

I'm pleasantly surprised, this is good stuff Tim...

Thank you muchly! :)

You sir have earned a like. 


the song from the video is really good! i'm sharing it with all of my metal head friends. ( i liked your page also)

ALBUM FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!

Although... got nout in my bandpage stats so send me a PM and I can reply to that at least. Thanks duder