Want a Crossover monitor? Check Monoprice!

Hello everyone,

The following post may seem like an advertisement for Monoprice…l.but I assure you that I am not affiliated with them in any way. It took me time to compile this list, and the links posted are not affiliate links. I hope this helps you!

I was introduced to Level1Techs by Wendell’s awesome monitor reviews. As I was looking for (scarce) information on Crossover monitors the reviews were an awesome help. I also noticed that Wendell liked most of the Crossover monitors but ordering from Korea can be an awful experience for most people. Furthermore, many listings get moved around and deleted and pricing is inconsistent. Luckily I’ve found a great place to buy Crossover monitors.

I believe the best place to buy these types of monitors is from Monoprice. Most people have already heard about Monoprice. They are a fairly large United States Company based in California that sells electronics at pretty cheap prices. Perhaps their most famous products are cheap 3D printers, cables, and audio equipment. One commonly overlooked aspect of Monoprice is that they sell monitors as well. I’ve discovered that the OEM for some of these monitors is Crossover! This is an advantage because if you order a “Crossover” (Monoprice Brand) monitor from Monoprice you’ll get some great perks.

  1. “Pixel Perfect” Guarantee. They offer a fairly cut and dry 1 year warranty in which they will replace a monitor if there are ANY dead pixels. This is clearly better than some eBay sellers where 1-3 dead pixels is acceptable.

  2. Cheaper prices, fast shipping, no customs, free shipping (sometimes), and a reliable product listing that won’t get removed or moved around like on eBay or Amazon. All of these perks are a result of these monitors being shipped out from either California or Kentucky warehouses.

  3. Premium support, returns, warranties, and a website that isn’t shady!

  4. And of course that clean and simple Monoprice emblem which makes an appearance instead of the random Crossover one. Perhaps not a perk for you, but I find it elegant :wink:

So then, which Crossover monitors can you buy under the Monoprice name? Well, I’ve done my best to attach Crossover model numbers to these but there may be some minor differences. And who knows? These monitors may be custom made to Monoprices standards, but for the most part specs line up with the models I’m about to mention. Korean monitors can be confusing.

Go to here to locate these models and get specific detail. The bad design of the website means I cannot give specific links to the monitor detail pages. Use the search function.

In terms of which specs are most reliable, I’d stick with the Monoprice specs. Some contradictions are evident on the 27 inch model. But, the Crossover website has the following disclaimer.

“Above specifications are subject to change without notice.”


Monoprice MP 32in QHD Monitor – HDR
Crossover Equivalent: 32SS PLUS QHD REAL 75 HDR or 32SS
[1.07B Colors, VA Panel with 3000:1 Contrast and “HDR”]
Featured Here: youtu.be/wElpt9gQ8zY
This video features the non-HDR 32SS not exactly sure about the panel differences.

Monoprice MP 27in Zero-G Gaming Monitor
Crossover Equivalent: 27FAST 144
[16.7 million colors, ***IPS AHVA 1000:1 Contrast]
Spec contradiction…Crossover says IPS AHVA, but Monoprice reports TN. Panel change?
Featured Here: youtu.be/J2sVe90hTA8

Monoprice MP 35in Zero-G Curved FreeSync
Crossover Closest Match: UW3535TIO HDR
[16.7 million colors, VA 2500:1 Contrast]
A possible older version of this is featured here: youtu.be/pjdylwrnLj8
Not the exact model I assume.

These are the closest matches I could find. If any of you know of other Crossover monitors listed on the Monoprice website let me know. Also, take these listings with a grain of salt. Some panels may change and such, but the core products are the same. Use the Monoprice specs for reliable information and the Korean listing for more advanced and specific info.

Hope you all enjoyed this!

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I had completely forgotten about Crossover and was about to buy a new 1440 27" FreeSync monitor, just hadn’t decided which one. Looks like this is it

Used Monoprice once for a good deal on HDMI cords and ethernet cable I believe. Good company. Now if only the Canadian dollar would recover I would use them again.

Pixel perfect: Many Korean eBay sellers offer pixel-perfect guarantees also, they just charge a bit more for those listings.

Cheaper prices: Monoprice’s prices are not competitive with eBay sellers.

Fast shipping: You would be absolutely gobstocked how fast a monitor will get to your door from Korea. The monitor I picked up a couple years ago took 4 days to get to east coast USA. The US has a special customs/trade relationship with South Korea. For now, anyway.

Support, warranties, returns: Yes, this is the main (and really, only) advantage of going with a local reseller like Monoprice.

Actually many eBay “pixel perfect” guarantees allow for one or two dead pixels whereas Monoprice’s guarantee allows zero dead pixels. You can return for any dead pixel in any zone of the monitor.