WAN Speed slows to crawl for device

So on a clean boot i see over 1gbit on wan down, but after a while it slows down to about 100mbps. LAN never slows down. My other devices on my network do not have this issue either. When my primary device’s wan slows to a crawl the others are fine. I have to reboot every few hours when downloading stuff.

I am on windows 10 (same issue with win 11).

Network card is aqc107 (marvel aquantia).

Any ideas?

LOTS: thermals, power savings, busted drive, bad CPU thermals…

power setting? specifically pcie low power state

drive all good?

Overheating does not get fixed by a reboot making me want to say software issue.

Can you test transfer speed on your LAN when a slowdown is “on progress”?

Shot in the dark:
In the interface settings on windows, disable auto-negotiation and instead fore 1G Full Duplex.

I have disable energy efficiency. Not bad cpu thermal or busted drive. When slow down happens I see nearly fully lan speeds. But wan is at a snails pace. Only on this single device. Task manager does not show any incoming bandwidth beyond what I am attempting to download. I am switching out my nic. I have had issues with aquantia specifically over the years. I have a intel x540. Going to see if that has the same outcome. Taking it out of a defunct server. X550-t2

Update: So far so good with the intel nic. A hour and a half in. Where as the other one would stop after like an hour.

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