VR will it last?

Does anyone here really think VR will last? or is it a expensive fad? Lots of people thought 3d was the future and said " just think in 5 years we will all have 3d TV's" and now... I wouldn't dream of seeing a film in 3d and I don't know anyone with a 3d tv except my girlfriends parents who have 2... but they are weird.

I had an offer from some people who work for me to create CGI'S for my clients and they said they can create VR property CGIs, and I was interested at first but then i was like... 1. its expensive 2. who has a VR headset to use this feature!? 3. what estate agent would really invest in such a thing....

Im sure there is some millage in gaming but still...


Expensive Fad? No way. It's a personalized display that offers privacy and an unprecedented interactive field of view. It's like the equivalent of IEMS vs speakers. I think it's most definitely the wave of the future, because the quality you get from a VR headset for gaming is much greater than a television set.

For private viewing, a VR headset is better if you don't mind the weight on your face. However, if you are with the company of others, obviously a TV is still going to be better. There' a place for both.

For what you get (high ppi display) (high refresh rate) (oled panels) it's not expensive at all... considering the FOV and equivalent screen size for VR versus a television of the same size.

Yes, but they are all very specific situation things... I cant see mass market being bothered about private viewing of a computer screen or wide viewing angles especially as you have to have a great big unit strapped to your face, be interested to see what others think tho

I think it will catch on, but there will have to be a huge push from the industry to make it happen. There will have to be really good support for games, and it will have to get a little cheaper.

It will obviously take about 5+ years to really take traction, due to the hardware requirements on the PC. GTX 970 / R9 290. Most people don't have hardware like that yet.

For consoles... VR is stupid, it's not feasible until next generation which is at least 5 - 10 years away. What they are doing is putting you into a virtual room, watching a virtual TV. Very stupid.

So it will never truly be as big as televisions for at least the next decade, but it's not a question of IF it will get huge. It's a question of WHEN.

isnt that just VR lol

They weigh way too much. Having shit on your head is irritating. Tried it didn't like it.

No, not at all. It's putting your VR experience in a room, where you're sitting on a couch, watching a TV. It's not VR at all, because you can't look around in the game. You can only look around in this little generated room, and you can watch a virtual 60 inch tv in a virtual room. So the size of your display of your content / game is about 10% of what it should be, it doesn't allow head tracking, and because of this, about 90% of the detail is lost.

im already tired of VR and its not even fully out yet, im not gonna game with a big pair of goggles on my head, ill stick to my big screens lol

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I have tried many different units from phone ones to the full on rift and, they just feel gimmick to me... even if they got smaller

Kind of like headphones? That's irritating? Future iterations of the product will reduce size and weight dramatically.

You all sound like a bunch of grumpy old men talking about how the internet will never catch on. On a technology forum it's a little disconcerting lol.

its nothing like headphones, oh dear. so every little piece of tech I have to like otherwise im not welcome on here?

I didn't say that. You're welcome to your opinion.

apparently not

i never said it wouldnt catch on, in fact im actively asking opinions

sorry if I offended you. It's just the technology is in its infancy right now. It needs time to evolve.

Yes I hate headohones, too. I have proper speakers to avoid having crap on my head.


When I was a kid we had this crap.

It hurt your eyes, it just sucked. Fuckin' sucked. Biggest videogame blue balls ever. Now we have cool computer graphics, cool internet, and an additional 20 years of pop culture to tap into.

This guy looks psyched

Cool useable tech just isn't everywhere like it should be. I've owned bluetooth headphones for years and I've really only noticed everyone else doing it in the last year or so. I feel VR will be the same way. After phones pave the way, consoles and people selling gaudy car accessories will follow.