VR : men's club only?



Men and women use different strategies for depth perception

  • mostly parallax for men
  • mostly shading for women

which means Oculus Rift style VR as well as 3D glasses in cinema make women sick

I know plenty of Women that see 3d movies and dont get sick..

this. and the fact oculus isnt like 3d glasses.

Actually it is, depending on which 3d movie you view. Its the same as RealD.

In the oculus, you have two images, one for each eye, combined into one because of the way your brain composes images.

In RealD, you still have two images, they are just combined onto one screen, the glasses filter the image so you still have one image per eye, thus your brain handles it the same way.

sure the principle is the same but I personally find the two different screens better. I hate 3d with glasses. HFR movies like the hobit are alot better though

If they're designed for it, they can be nice. But my television has a HFR option that makes everything look like a soap opera. Batman in HFR is horrible. Hah. Its like, it looks TOO real, in a way.

So women don't need 2 eyes to see 3D? I question everything about this and call it BS

yea true. makes everything look 'Ultra Real' haha it does shock at first. And if you want a certain atmosphere it just doesnt work.

In my social environment I get the impression that women get sick more often from stereo 3d then men.

so...circumstantial evidence means nothing


you question the article -> good

you call it BS because ? <insert scientific flaw in the article here>

I'm not sure you even read the article, because i can't understand how that would lead you to believe that women don’t use 2 eyes for perspective. o_0

I'm disappointed, immediately concluding that the new piece of information must be false because what ? it doesn't confirm the pre-held notions ? The author actually did some experimentation that at the very least merit further investigation.

To be blunt: if current VR strategies were to be flawed for ~50% of the population, that would mean a major set back & we don't want to delay the holo-deck do we.

Lets see how harsh I'm going to be attacked for this, to see whether it's the true motive behind the lack of open mindedness.

Article is interesting. Guess I gotta throw my 2 cents at this. I have astigmatism, and when I am not wearing my glasses I have hardly any depth perception because my left eye is 20/30 and my right eye is 20/60, meaning I can see ok with one eye and I am half blind in the other. So I have always hated 3D movies, since watching them with 3D glasses didn't really work for me unless I had my glasses on underneath them, which was sometimes uncomfortable.

Also, I don't see why we don't have depth of field from shading being used alongside parallax. We have the processing power, all they need is some clever programming. Come on Oculus, you have a ridiculous amount of resources at your disposal right now, go for it.

Jeri Ellsworth is a woman and one of the co-creators of castAR. So maybe the problem isn't actually that severe...

Shape-from-shading is a bit trickier. If you stare at a point on an object in front of you and then move your head around, you’ll notice that the shading of that point changes ever so slightly depending on the lighting around you. The funny thing is that your eyes actually flicker constantly, recalculating the tiny differences in shading, and your brain uses that information to judge how far away the object is.

I don't understand this part. Moving my head around has unsurprisingly no effect on the position of the light source in the room. So, fixed points on objects don't have different lighting just because of where my head is. Sure the shapes and orientations of shadows appear to change, but that's the parallax effect... Maybe I'm just misunderstanding how the effect works. I could understand reflections being different from different perspectives. Am I misinterpreting the word "shading" here?

Thank you for this tidbit of information, i quite enjoyed this article. The article really brings up the question of how Oculus or any other VR company's will handle this problem (if they consider it a problem at all)? and what this mean for VR in the future?

But when asked to do basic tasks like jump from Point A to Point B in a Nintendo 64 game, I watched my female friends fall short.

They found that people taking androgens (a steroid hormone similar to testosterone) improved at tasks that required them to rotate Tetris-like shapes in their mind to determine if one shape was simply a rotation of another shape.

This article heavily infers that women aren't as good at tasks related to video games. Not just 3d.


Would also like to point out that your eyes dont flicker. 

Your vision does not have a frame rate, because it is analogue. 

this is just laughable

Unless it's actually tested with a decent sized sample of people (a bunch of different types as well), we really won't know for sure. For instance, I'm a male and I get horrendously sick watching 3D stuff, but only if I'm moving. Like a 3D movie is fine if I'm sitting still, but as soon as I start moving around I start feeling pretty gross. On the other hand, I have a female friend who absolutely loves 3D movies/games and has never felt sick.

because ?

For all reasons listed in other posts. Without more study, or a better written article or source, it just doesn't seem feasible.