VPN's - I'm getting sick of this scam

Hello everyone,

I am having an issue trying to find a VPN service that is not crap. It seams every service I try has some sort of issue. Ether my transfer speeds go down, or the software kills my network (Ubiquity), or I can not get the internet to work with both my VPN and my DNS Sink-Hole, but it is usually some combination of the three.

I have a growing drone business (real estate, commercial construction, and coastal erosion monitoring) and my clients are asking for huge video files for some of the projects. Consequently, I need more bandwidth, however every VPN service I try is just wasting my time and money.

Does anyone out there know of a VPN service that actually works? I am so frustrated I am about to sit down and try to learn how to build my own damn VPN.

Thank you for your input.


Using Speedtest + PIA I get 31ms Ping Times + 254.82 downstream + 9.03 upstream.

Using only my Comcast non-vpn connection I get 19ms Ping TImes + 394.25 downstream + 17.58 upstream.

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I use PIA also and lose less then 5% bandwidth.

Thank you but I donā€™t think PIA is going to work for me. I abandoned cable TV service over a decade ago and will be working from home until the second quarter of next year. Netflicks is okay but Hulu and Amazon Prime both block PIA IP Addresses. Besides, they doubled their prices back in March and when I used them I constantly had to check my connection because it would drop with out warning or notice frequently.

Ah, I see, well I use Amazon Prime on my Comcast DVR and I donā€™t sub to either Netflicks nor Hulu.

I primarily just game with ESO and a few other games so donā€™t watch too much TV.

I do get my fix of watching some of the Science Channel stuff and have to watch my Blazers that that the NBA season has started once more :slight_smile:

Pia is really goodā€¦ express vpn and Nord VPN suck

You could roll your own solution with a VPS.

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I am thinking you are rite. Unless I find a better solution, I think I am going to go with this.

I wonā€™t have time until Monday, so unless some one presents a better solution here Iā€™ll try the Streisand solution then.

Thank You. :slight_smile:

Does your business require a vpn?

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Yes, I am shooting and transmitting video of infrastructure projects under construction and scores of miles of US coastline. Even if my clients donā€™t want or care about the security of what they are doing, I do. I would rather spend the time and money now then have to deal with clients leaving or choosing some one else in the future because of a security issue.

Besides, itā€™s just the rite thing to do.

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I did this:

My goal was different though; I wanted to protect my activity when on public wifi, so I only set up pfSense on an ESXi server at my house to connect back to. Presumably you could ā€˜rentā€™ a cloud server to use as your VPN endpoint (Amazon, Azure, etc.) and then you would appear to be connecting from whatever region that server is operating out of. However, it wouldnā€™t be as randomly anonymous as PIA, TunnelBear, etc.

Whatā€™s your goal in using a VPN? Privacy, secure communication with clients, orā€¦?

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VPS is the correct choice, assuming you arenā€™t looking to pirate and your home internet upload is too slow to make sense. Donā€™t use Streisand, use Algo with WireGuard.

You could also try Cloudflare Warp. Itā€™s a free WG VPN that doesnā€™t mask your source IP to sites running Cloudflare. I am normally strongly against free VPNs but Cloudflare is huge and they do have a paid business model.

And finally, if your only concern is uploading data to your office thereā€™s really no need for a VPN at all. You could use something like syncthing to do that securely.



Thank you.

I read through the installation documentation and Algo seams much simpler to setup then Streisand.

Why do you say ā€œDonā€™t use Streisandā€¦ā€ What are the advantages of Algo over Streisand? Thanks

Algo is much much limited, only installing the best possible protocols and ciphers, and thus easy to maintain. Streisand installs a whole crapload of stuff you donā€™t need. The original Algo announcement discussed it briefly.

Algo was originally released before Wireguard existed, so it will also do IKEv2. IKEv2 is OK but donā€™t use that, use Wireguard.

I would look into syncthing, though-- you may not need a VPN at all to securely sync files back to your office.

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Iā€™m still hoping there is a good pay service some one can recommend, but if not I have 3 options: Streisand, Algo, and Wireguard. Iā€™m going to do some research on these. I do like that Algo is stripped down the way it is. I also like the idea of being my own VPN.

Also, thank you for suggesting Syncthing. That sounds like it may be very useful in the future when I get into my office some time next year.

I like and use syncthing as well. It transports your files securely through TLS.

You can use something like VeraCrypt or PeaZip to encrypt your files locally before you send it.

With all that, you can say your data is end to end encrypted.

I decided to go with Algo, here is where Iā€™m stuckā€¦

  1. Installed Windows Subsystem for Linux
  2. Downloaded Algo - wget https://github.com/trailofbits/algo/archive/master.zip
  3. unzip master.zip
  4. cd algo-master
  5. Installed Commandline tools:
    sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install
    sudo apt-get install build-essential -y
    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev -y
    sudo apt-get install libffi-dev -y
    sudo apt-get install python-dev -y
    sudo apt-get install python-pip -y
    sudo apt-get install python-setuptools -y
    sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv -y
  6. Installed dependencies for pip - python -m virtualenv env && source
    env/bin/activate && python -m pip install -U pip &&
    python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  7. Digital Ocean:
    Signed up - Added Payment - Generated API Key
  8. Set Users in Algo - nano config.cfg
  9. ./algo

    I then ran:
    sudo apt-get install python3.6.1

Can anyone help me figure out where I went awry? Obviously, python 3.6.1 did not install. I read some where that python has itā€™s own repositories and update system. I have been lead to believe it is pip. But if that is the case then I am lost without a map as I know nothing about python.


You seem to be making the mistake of assuming a VPN provides security.

All a VPN does is prevent an isp from sniffing your packets. If youā€™re not doing anything illegal there is no rational argument behind why you need to hide your activity from your isp.

If you need secure remote access to your local network, wireguard is the way to go.


Hey there,

I would recommend you to make your own VPN on any appliable to your requirements infrastructure. For example, you can make a VPN service on Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud, Packet, DigitalOcean, Scaleway. Many of these providers already have VPN appliances, which can be deployed with minimum actions from your side. Yes, this will for a few bucks more expensive, but you will have your own service, which will be under your full control and you will be able to choose that provider, which can provide better channel bandwidth to your users.

wow you lucky express vpn give me 7mbps hhhh in UAE every vpn sucks except pia with manual setup it uses a local server in uae unlike others
but issue it is manual using open vpn in mobile devices to make it work and in pc it works with app

now all the other vpnā€™s I tested like nord vpn + express and few others they all are bad for uae usage so I gave up on them.

my plan is to use ubiquiti in other country and tunnel myself , I guess that is the best paid vpn its a DIY

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