And thought of sharing it here since I see a lot of questions and posts regarding what VPN services are out there, which one is the best option, etc. I’m using Private Internet Access myself, but now I’m considering switching to another.
You can enable DNS leak protection in the settings, but as far as I can tell if you're on a windows machine it will mess up your adapter and you'll only be allowed to use the internet if you're connected to the VPN.
Not read through the whole thing, but the paper lacks details on the setup that i think would give a clearer picture, Though there research seems fairly sound as long as you take into consideration that the affects vary depending on implementation, provider and OS, etc.
The dual configuration IPv6/IPv4 while common is easily turned off.
which alleviates the IPv6 issues all together.
The DNS hijacking, requires control of the device from which you receive your local IP address.
So if you are using this at your house, your Router has to be compromised. if you are using this at your local coffee shop... That is where you may have issues.