Is this acurate can you actually get unlimmited bandwidth?
Not from your ISP, only from PIA. So say you get 250GB/ month from your ISP, you will only get 250GB/m with the VPN.
They advertise that for people with unlimited usage with their ISP
I understand now what the vpn does is kindoff what a gps does. It finds the fastest way to get to your data.
It is possible with the right settings and ISP. Source I have done it before with a satellite ISP (Only for experimentation). Also if mods are reading I'm sure the contract you sign with your ISP would make doing so illegal.
My theory on how it works is that your ISP monitors your traffic from your modem and only looks at common ports for ex. 80. If you use the vpn uses a port that isn't monitored then you can fill in the rest.