VPN through VPS

Hello Logan, Wendell and members of the community. 

I Currently have a VPS which at the moment is only configured as a LAMP for a small website. I intend to use the VPS to tunnel my network traffic using a VPN to improve my privacy online.

My question is what protocol should I use? I was thinking of using openvpn but I would appreciate any input you might have. 


Thanks in advance!


Hi iainisgod 

There are 2 types of implementation of Openvpn server.

1) You can use https://openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/download-openvpn-as-sw.html   for your distro. Good thing is it has nice web UI interface, bad news is it is limited by a license. If you run it without a license you will have 2 usable user for your server. 

2) You can use your distro's repo. install. This is a good example  http://readwrite.com/2014/04/10/raspberry-pi-vpn-tutorial-server-secure-web-browsing   for setting up your shop in debian like systems. By following this setup I was able to setup one server on rpi and one on ubuntu 14.04 lts VPS  running in digitalocean for $5/month. 

Also to mention , using the VPS speed is awesome especially if you pickup a DC from your continent. 1 megabyte write to harddrive per sec. download through the vpn pipe .

Even was able to sniff the traffic locally on the client and the only thing visible on the wire is a single establish state connection to your VPS totally encrypted .


Something else to add is that if you go with choice 2 you can fine tune things like the encryption strength and tcp over udp ,also port numbers. Which is quite handy .


If you need a hand with configuration setup on linux box mail me [email protected] with specific error you are getting . It was hard to get it running the first time with all the keys involved in client config file creation. But it gets much much easier after a couple of times. Also i have very good book on that same openvpn topic.