VPN - Reverse Proxy - SSL Madness


have been watching Wendell's videos for a while and have been waiting for years for his video on "How to use a server behind NAT for Mail, Plex and other content". He recently mentioned it again on the Linux channel so I thought I should just try to do it. Since my provider cannot give me a public IP I have had this struggle for about 2 years. This is what I came up with:

I purchased a cheap VPS (with the ancient 2.6 Kernel unfortunately) with Debian 8 minimal and did the standard procedure (Harden SSH, Iptables, limited user account etc.). The Linode Tutorial on "Securing Your Server" was a good starting point. I then configured it to be an OpenVPN Server (Had to wait a few days for support to enable TUN/TAP for the OpenVZ contaiener). I set up an OpenVPN client on the PfSense in the lab (Yea I know running it on a virtual machine is bad practice) connecting to the VPS Server. Surely enough, this seemed to work fine.

After having the network infrastructure set up, I installed apache and configured different virtual hosts for each subdomain. I set up a letsencrypt certificate on all subdomains so everything is encrypted on the front end of things. For the plex subdomain I used a reverse proxy to point to the PfSense box. On the PfSense it is then port forwarded to the appropriate Plex container on port 32400. While doing it I kept thinking that this couldn't possibly be best practice to use a reverse proxy AND port forwarding. On the other hand I didn't want the VPN tunnel to terminate in my plex container since it would bypass my pfSense firewall and jeopardize the whole container as well as needing to install openvpn on it. I would appreciate any input on this.

Anyways I tested it going to plex.mydomain.com and luckily enough it work (I won't mention an hour of troubleshooting with firewall rules here). Unfortunately it still shows the Plex login page. I will try to put the VPN network in the noauth configuration for plex so it won't show up and bypasses the whole myplex thing. I further want to put an authentication on plex.mydomain.com either through apache or some simple web page so I have some sort of authentication. Next step is to do something similar with the mail.mydomain.com subdomain to connect to my Exchange server (Yes I have a licence). This should enable the webmail. Don't know what I am going to do with the smtp part and reverse DNS and all the other mail nonsense.

If you have any questions or input let me know I am open for suggestions. I hacked this together in roughly one day so give me a break ;)

Edit: Ascii was totally messed up so replaced with screenshot


I never did any "ASCII drawings" like that before, but I have seen it many times in RFCs etc. How exactly did you create it? Manually or do you have a software/website for easily creating them?

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asking the important questions


I used this online editor: http://asciiflow.com/


Update: I have set up a basic authentication with apache. Super easy.

Now to the problem I am having right now: Turns out the reverse proxy for apache adds a header containing X-Forward-For which plex goes by to determine who is trying to access the site. It is then compared to the list of networks without authentication. This is the reason why the login page still shows up when accessing the domain after signing in with the basic authentication. I tried a number of things to remove the header but it just doesn't work...

Edit: fixed it by using "ProxyAddHeaders off" in the 'proxy' '/proxy' section in my plex.mydomain.com configuration