Voice Assistants

Hi Tek Syndicate,
I am a fairly new member (I joined today actually) but I've been watching your videos for about a month. This has quickly become my favorite gaming show on YouTube. I listen to old episodes of "The Tek" while I'm working and just came across the episode "Personal Assistants VS. Privacy" when you were talking about a custom-built "JARVIS." I really liked this part of the episode as I had planned out such a thing about a year ago. I started designing it for one room, but it could be scaled up. It would work with an embedded computer (Raspberry Pi, Beaglebone Black, etc.) and receive inputs from a board called EasyVR. I would then have preset commands which would prompt the computer to interface with various sensors placed around the room (ceiling fan, lights, MP3 player, etc.) Although it was not originally designed this way, it would be very difficult to receive commands from a phone via a voice recognition app. It could also integrate with Wolfram Alpha or some other database.

Anyway, that's my idea. Just wanted to share it.


That's awesome... I love virtual assistants. Makes me wish Linux had one

Some university of Michigan students made one called Sirius.

Thanks. I'm going to try and get that set up on Arch

gremlin, if you haven't already, you should check out WASD. It's their gaming show that is currently on hiatus unfortunately. Can be found on the tek's main channel.

Also, if you happen to make a voice assistant, please make it say "Gizmo gaga".

I am about to go on a 4 hour long trip, so I will check out WASD. Also, I will absolutely make my voice assistant say gizmo gaga.