VMware Workstation versus VirtualBox

As someone very new to virtualization, what are the main features of VMware versus Virtualbox? What are your opinions on the performance and usability of each?

Any thoughts however brief would be appreciated. Thanks.

hardware virtualization, hosting remote vm's, better management, its much faster, better compatibility, much more room for customization.

- free client.

You need to make sure virtualization is turned on in the bios.

I prefer vmware (player), just used it longer.

Of course. You mean Intel's improved virtualization function, right? I'm good with the hardware side of things so I've got this area covered, just wanted to know more about the software side of virtualization technologies.

Thanks for the input. (:

Does VirtualBox not support hardware virtualization?

Thankyou for the input.

by hardware virtualization i meant, virtualization of your gpu and few other proprietary devices.
The cpu side should be supported.

Virtualize my GPU using VMware Workstation or their bare-metal VM software?

Will the guest OS actually show up with my specific video card?

with the new one it should do it. (showing your actual gpu in vm) but beware i've seen problems with gpu's better to have many gpu's and set the 2nd or 3rd for it. Unless you run in bare-metal.

Yep, I understand. I would use a bare-metal approach if I wanted that kind of GPU virtualization for sure.

still its very good for virtualization of your network, basic routing, proprietary hardware, and even emulating startup of your own computer inside vm. (also plenty of hacks to emulate bios's of other devices)

Awesome, so it's definitely better than VirtualBox then? What about Hyper-V, what's the deal with that one? Worth using or not? How does it perform when compared to VirtualBox and VMware?

VMware is currently a leader in virtualization with on 2nd place Citrix, i haven't used Hyper-V but since its windows i assume its not as good since they do not have experience with virtual environments like vmware or the others...

still virtualbox should be cheaper.

Isn't VirtualBox free?

I see. I might give VMware and Hyper-V a shot then. I'm studying VM software for a certification in networking at the moment so it's important I get to know the market a decent amount to be successful in this.

Thanks for the help!

yeah it is. For some reason it thought it wasn't and only player was free... yeah...

Citrix is also nice to get around.

Mad. Thanks for the help. :D