VMware can't re-establish NFS datastore post power outage

Lost one of my NFS datastores after a power outage. It doesn’t seem like ESXi will connect to the share, other machines on the network have no issues. Can vmkping the host, NC connects with no issue, can ping with the MTU value. Checked in the switch and all config that there is no MTU mismatch anywhere post outage. Listing NFS connections only shows the datastore presented from another NAS. Trying to add the connection manually

[root@cc-esx51:~] esxcfg-nas -a TrueNAS-SSD -o -s /mnt/BC-SSDNAS-POOL-01
Error performing operation: Unable to add new NAS, volume with the label TrueNAS-SSD already exists

from another host after manually removing the datastore from cli

[root@CC-ESX61:~] esxcfg-nas -a TrueNAS-SSD -o -s /mnt/BC-SSDNAS-POOL-01
Connecting to NAS volume: TrueNAS-SSD
Unable to connect to NAS volume TrueNAS-SSD: Unable to complete Sysinfo operation.  Please see the VMkernel log file for more details.: Sysinfo error: Unable to connect to NFS serverSee VMkernel log for details.
[root@CC-ESX61:~] tail -100 /var/log/vmkernel.log  | grep
2022-04-11T18:01:57.611Z cpu32:2103771)NFS: 160: Command: (mount) Server: ( IP: ( Path: (/mnt/BC-SSDNAS-POOL-01) Label: (TrueNAS-SSD) Options: (None)
2022-04-11T18:02:27.628Z cpu22:2103771)NFS: 171: NFS mount failed: Unable to connect to NFS server.
[root@CC-ESX61:~] tail -100 /var/log/vmkernel.log  | grep NFS
2022-04-11T17:54:26.412Z cpu36:2103540)WARNING: NFS: 1227: Invalid volume UUID mpx.vmhba33:C0:T0:L0
2022-04-11T18:01:57.611Z cpu32:2103771)NFS: 160: Command: (mount) Server: ( IP: ( Path: (/mnt/BC-SSDNAS-POOL-01) Label: (TrueNAS-SSD) Options: (None)
2022-04-11T18:02:27.628Z cpu22:2103771)NFS: 171: NFS mount failed: Unable to connect to NFS server.

Any thoughts?

Welp I’m unsure what was actually wrong. On a whim I updated my TrueNAS server and it automagically fixed whatever what broken. It’s safe to assume there was likely something on the NAS side that was causing the issue even though I was able to connect and write from other clients on the network.

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