I am trying to write a macro for the Reflection IBM Terminal. I have most of the code done but I am having issues with the UserForm TextBox and Looping the macro based on the TextBox information.
The UserForm has 2 TextBoxs Module and SerialNumber. The user has to input the module then add all the serial numbers that need to be updated to the module. The SerialNumber text box will have multiple serial numbers that I need to be updated using the macro. I also need the macro to loop until all the serial numbers are updated.
Any help is greatly appreciated. If you aren't sure but could point me in the general direction that I need to go in as far as what I need to be using will also help a lot. Thanks
Here is my code so far
- Public SerialNumber As String
- Public Module As String
- ------------------------------------------------------
- Sub Passes()
- UserForm1.Show
- End Sub
- _____________________________________________
- Sub Passcode()
- With Session
- ' Base Macro for MC04 Update
- .TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMClearKey
- .WaitForEvent rcKbdEnabled, "30", "0", 1, 1
- .WaitForEvent rcEnterPos, "30", "0", 1, 1
- .TransmitANSI "/for jdopmcm"
- .TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMEnterKey
- .WaitForEvent rcKbdEnabled, "30", "0", 1, 1
- .WaitForEvent rcEnterPos, "30", "0", 15, 11
- .WaitForDisplayString "BKG", "30", 15, 5
- '.SetMousePos 15, 11
- .TransmitANSI SerialNumber
- .TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMPf4Key
- .WaitForEvent rcKbdEnabled, "30", "0", 1, 1
- .WaitForEvent rcEnterPos, "30", "0", 16, 6
- '.SetMousePos 16, 27
- .TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMTabKey
- .TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMTabKey
- .TransmitANSI Module
- .TransmitTerminalKey rcIBMEnterKey
- 'Loop until all SerialNumber are update
- End With
- End Sub