Vista or XP for gaming

Which is better for Gaming and why? What are the known issues with vista for gaming? Is vista still buggy?

both :) xp a lil faster but no dx10.

both, but if you are running vista, i would recommend 3 to 4 gigs of ram.

I understand that there is an unofficial patch(not supported by MS) that allows dx10 on xp. Has anyone used it and what are your thoughts on it?

its illegal, but i never bothered with it since i just decided to run vista

vista has dx10

xp lot more faster

lot more

I've also heard that vista is slower...guess I'll be sticking with xp and snatching the illegal dx10 download.

i can't tell the difference between vista and xp on a good PC...i have a dual core 2gb ram and in 3d mark i just got 15993 in vista and in xp 16214 so...not much difference...if you have a good PC go with vista..much more stable and dx10 :D

its not just in the games vista sucks at

vista fucking crash my computer more then 4 time and i have a high end computer

q6600 4.0ghz water cooling two 9800 gtx in sli ultra x3 1000w psu 4gb of water cooling rams


i went back to xp

I thought XP is faster than Vista. Plus Vista eats ram like a little biotch

I have heard that if you have a fast computer, Vista runs faster then XP.

Also, Vista has DX10.

vista...doesn't have many bugs since service pack 1 is out.... dx10= mindblowing graphics

dx9= dog meat.

Lol Fatal. Well, I'm so used to XP..Gonna use it for another year or so then I'm gonna upgrade to Vista..At least a 64bit version. (Friends told me that Vista Home Premium 64bit don't have any drivers or something..Can anyone confirm this?) Thanks. XD

EDIT: Only getting 64bit 'cause I wanna use 4GB of some DDR2 800mhz ram

Get the Ultimate version just to be sure you get your drivers etc.

Are u kidding me just because of Direct x 10 and all the drivers and sli programs that only work on vista VIsta is the king of gaming

Xp is only good for benchmarking now.

If you're gaming you need to go Vista.

Support for 4GB+++

Support for TRi and Quad SLi


No reason not to.

If you install all the updates and SP1 you shouldnt have any issues.

umm btw guys if you did not know there gonna stop selling Xp in the market but they will still support it untill 2014 so if its on a computer that a store sells that is gonna be the only way your gonna get it. now i dont know when there gonna stop selling it but there gonna do it i read it on some site yesterday forgot the name just a heads up though on XP

I have no problems with vista after the service pack. If you have a quad and 3-4 gigs of ram, you'll be fine.


in the here and now my vote goes to xp, its just faster.

as good games come out that use directx10 (and are not crazy demanding like crysis) then you might as well use vista, it is getting better.

so ya right now for me i say xp and for future proofing vista. Vista has a lot more features and if you cut down all the crap in the os the performance loss isn't as big.

i use both, xp pro and vista business sp1. i got them for like 45 dollars so ya.

Vista Ultimate is amazing. :P

I like it much better than the other versions I've used(all of them but Home Basic).