This is something thats been bugging me for a while now. Im building a new system soon, and I plan on getting Vista, but whats the difference between the 32 and 64 bit editions? Like, Ive heard that the 64 bit is more workstation based cuz of its higher proccess capabilities (Idk, Something I skmimmed over at a website) but certain hardware are not 64 bit enabled. (also something I skimmed over). So of someone could please clarify this, Itd be awesome.
64-Bit is better as you get more use of your RAM and such, with 32-bit, you only get 3.2GB. And Logan said that he had troubles with 32-bit Vista, but when he switched to 64-bit Vista, all problems went. He also said in one of his TD vids, that 64-bit will give you an fps boost in games like Crysis. The only downside is that some hardware doesn't have 64-bit drivers, such as printers and stuff. But otherwise 64-bit is better.
I used 64-bit Vista before coming back to 32-bit XP and I had no problems finding drivers for anything at all. After coming back to XP, I realized how awesome Vista really was, and I've been wanting to go back ever since. Anywho, I always recommend buying the 64-bit version, so when you get more memory, you can use it.