Virus on my pc

So it's the third time my antivirus detects some threats now. I'm using the free version of AVG and it says that the files found have been secured but I don't think so. The threats that the antivirus found are called "Tracking cookies" or something like that and it says that they were found in C:\Users\my pc\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCookies\Low\...something. 

So do you think this could be harmful to my PC and what should I do now? Should I reinstall windows or use some program? I used Malwarebytes before the AVG scanning thing and it didn't find anything. But AVG found 4 of these cookie things.

I'm not an expert on these virus problems so I would be happy to get some help.

To me it sounds like AVG buy full version bait but if you really want to be sure go download the free version of avast, bitdefender or sophos and see if that finds anything!

Hey I'm a computer technician at Staples. Tracking cookies don't need to be there but they do not really harm your computer, its just when you visit that website that has cookies enabled then they can technically 'track' you. I say that because that hardly matters; once someone knows your IP address then they know exactly where you might be (unless you have a VPN of course). I do think that AVG is baiting you, nothing wrong with paying for an antivirus, I always recommend it its worth paying for. And if you want those cookies gone just reset your browser and it will delete all the cookies, or download a program like CCleaner, its a fantastic program that will do the job. I use it all the time. Hoped this helped :)

Thanks a lot man! You mentioned a VPN, is the free version of Hotspot shield any good?

Here is a "guide" of sorts to give you some ideas at least for getting rid of whatever may be there.


i did this type of clean up for people at a computer store where i used to work on a daily basis. I still need to every once in a while. Here is my general step-by-step. (obviously some stuff wont apply but this is for any situation)"I think i may have ___ malware or _____ virus."

1.) First thing i do is reboot the PC into SAFE MODE or DIAGNOSTIC MODE - this will ensure the lowest number of services and processes running in the background to make things easier.

2.) I manually delete the contents of all TEMP folders, and I look in Program Files, Program Files(x86), and in C:\Users\"username"\AppData\Local  and Roaming and Local Low (these are Hidden Folders so you will need to reveal hidden folders in the folder options. If you do not know how to do this. stop here and take your PC to someone to have this done.) In each location I look for any folders or files with names I do not recognize - use a Google search to verify anything you are unsure about. Conduit likes to hang out here and is a know Malware and browser hijacker.

3.) Use a uninstaller like Wise Uninstaller or IOBit Uninstaller to remove anything that you do not recognize or do not want that is installed on your PC. Once Complete let the program do it's "DEEP SCAN" or whatever the program calls the equivalent action.

3.a) Use HiJack This the look for BHO's and anything labeled with (missing file.) Pay close attention to the items in this list, it is very easy to delete the wrong thing.

   Restart the PC. Remain in SAFE MODE

4. Still in SAFE MODE now run MalwareBytes and eliminate anything it finds. Also run the virus scan of your choice. Microsoft Security Essentials is fine, so is just about any other under the sun.

5. Check all the shortcuts to your browsers(IE, CHROME, FireFox) on your desktop and in the launch tray. Look at Properties and the TARGET field. Ensure that no web addresses have been added to the end of the target path.

6. Remove any Addons, plugins, extensions, etc that may be causing issues, or that are unfamiliar.

7. Once this entire process is complete you can re-do all steps once more to ensure nothing made it through. Or move along.

After the fact all you need is to use malwarebytes, a basic virus software (like MSE - really you do not need more) and AdBlock or PopUpBlocker. Then just dont download or click on stupid stuff you don't need.

 P.S. IMO i have never found a reason to use any other free antivirus over Microsoft Security Essentials. All the others seem to get more bloated, gimmicky, and resource hogish the more time goes on. - Not to mention loaded with annoying adds or constant requests to buy the Pro version. MSE never does this stuff.

Thanks! I will try this, just to make sure I don't have any virus in my pc.

I wouldn't worry about tracking cookies. You are probably getting them from a website you visit frequently. If you want to get rid of them just use a program like ccleaner and clear your browser data, but like I said it's no big deal.