Virtual Lan Party

My steam name is ~Chicago and Im up for any free games, hoping to get doom over the summer sale, someone else mentioned Hawken its such an amazing game but lacks player base, also free. But count me in if I have any of the games or can get them free.

awesome if this gets enough people an support I might do this regularly like every week or every month

I have both SC I & II, also AOE is a good idea as well. I'll be posting my steam tag info later as well.

I am interested in joining. We could have a Rocket league tournament with one player streaming each game.

Every month seems reasonable.
Please remove me from the list of the confirmed players, as I don't have any time on that date...

sure if we get enough people for tournaments I might set up some prizes for winning etc


I'm in then sign me up.


The game Rust can be fun with a large group.

yeah we might get a server setup if enough people want to

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Im interested for battlefield 4 and cs go, i cannot play soon tho because im in my final exams.

I could come in and play during the evenings, sounds fun!

I enjoy all of those games.

you should hopefully be able to play i've set this event for the middle of my summer holidays after my exams as well

Not long left until the event starts so invite anyone that would like to play here so we can find out how many servers and games to setup

Oh shoot, almost forgot about his haha.
Its a Friday, I might be able to play in the morning until midday in my area. Doubt I will be scheduled in the morning.

ok you can play when ever you want for the 3 days and go when needed if enough people join I might do this weekly or monthly

Put me down for CS:GO and Rocket League. I should be able to pop in on Friday evening and at various times during the weekend. :)

Steam: tim7967

ok ill post the teamspeak server information here when we start

I don't want to commit, then all of a sudden be unavailable (I don't know my schedule July 29th-31st)

But I am for sure interested in playing some Rocket League with you guys/gals!