Virtual 4k?

I have seen a lot about 4k screens and i have also seen a lot about something called virtual 4k and I was wondering how it worked. I have seen it on many 1440p monitors but i don't get how you can get 4k with only about half the pixels. It has confused me for a while and if it does actually work and create 4k then is it actually usable quality?

I bet it just takes the 4k output from a GPU and samples it down to 1440p.

However that will be a different output quality to 1440p output, as it's essentially multi-sampling each pixel that ends up on screen. Kinda a built in anti-aliasing I suppose.

I'm unsure why you'd do that for anything except for games though, and it does still seem mildly stupid to do that given the overheads of 2160p output over 1440p. Better to just run full screen filtering effects to tidy up bad edges, than render higher res and sample down.


Well that's my guess any way.


Ok thank you very much Dave. I dont quite get how useful it would be in games that already have anti-aliasing but i think it would be a cool thing to experiment with it on a 1440p monitor if i ever get one that supports it. 

Thanks again,
