View/Edit Google Maps Meshes?

I am trying to design a security camera system for my house (which I will be asking many more questions about in the future), and in figuring out where to place cameras, I have realized that the mesh on google maps would be the perfect tool to figure out angles of view and the like. Is there any way to download the 3D model of my house that google has helpfully (creepily) made and published on the internet? Alternatively, if anyone has any other suggestions on ways to get a 3d model of my home, I will be very appreciative. I remember when I was a little kid and we were getting solar panels, the solar guys had a google sketchup model that they acquired out of thin air.

On a side note, this is the first post I have made on the forum, after reading on it almost since it became Level1Techs. I love this place, it seems like one of the most knowledge dense places on the internet when it comes to computers.

I don't know. I don't think so. Since the data is procedurally streamed to your client, it would be like trying to extract a specific actor, across an entire episode of a show, without using a video editing tool. Sort of like just expecting to grab the random bits that make that image, manually.

Unless you had access to their data centers, it's not possible.
You'd have to model it yourself.

That's just my off the cuff opinion on it. Maybe someone else knows more.

I've tried to attempt this before and from what I heard was that you could use a 3D ripper or something like that with google earth but that never worked. Your best bet is to use software and recreate it. The first thing you would want to do is create a flight path in google earth that's not too long but gets every angle and then save a video file. The next step is to decrease the number of frames we have in the video due to Recap 360 not allowing more than 250 frames. Import it into something like After Effect or another program with similar functions and set the framerate to 1 and then export it as a Jpeg sequence. If you still have more that 250 frames then you'll have to delete some similar frames manually. Now for the final part where you use the web service by Autocad called Recap 360. You'll have to create an account but after that, you will be able to upload your frames that you created from After Effects to their website and then go through their step by step process eventually they will generate a mesh based off the pictures you uploaded. If you have a drone however you could skip the google earth part and After Effects and take photos of your house at different angles and then upload them to Recap. Hopefully, that worked I did a similar thing with a cake and the model came out nice not too sure however if a house would work with the size and possible angles and details.


Thank you both for your help and input on the topic.

Aren't most houses just a type of cube? It doesn't need to be super accurate does it? (Not that Google's is)

Have you looked at open street map? The data is free/libre and you can use and edit it as you wish.